April 2021

Case Study: How Corporations Will Force Employees To Get Vaccinated

Corporations are breaking away from the nation-state and the rule of law by imposing policies that are patently destructive to their employees and customers as well as society at large. Most governing bodies are leaving these corporations to do whatever they wish, with no regulatory oversight.

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Stanford Study: Facemasks Are Worthless And Can Cause Health Decline And Premature Death

Stanford University has come to the same conclusion as TN that facemasks are not only ineffective against the spread of COVID,  but also are directly harmful to your health. This leaves masking as a political weapon and instrument of social engineering. As maskers are psychologically broken down, they can then be rebuilt in the Technocrat image.

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Amidst Pandemic Lockdowns, Britain Re-Focuses On Climate Change

Prime Minister Boris "Mr. Brexit" Johnson has refined the concept of techno-populism by totally embracing Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, and pushing radical global warming cutbacks on carbon emissions. If there were any resistance to this move, it is muted by draconian lockdowns over Covid.

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Scientific Ethics Crater As Vaccine Makers Ditch Control Groups

Because their gene therapy technology cannot be seen to be wrong, Technocrat-minded vaccine makers are ditching the proven methodology of using double-blind trial studies to prove efficacy and risk of their treatments. Without a control group, trials are essentially worthless and misleading.

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Flashback: How And Why The CIA Made Google

This masterful white paper documents the events and people surrounding the founding of Google. It should be read and understood by every American because it represents the greatest social engineering program of all time. Google was not accidental, nor was it simply fulfilling the needs of a new marketplace.CIA

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How The CIA Took Over U.S. Media

Technocrats in the CIA have virtually taken over U.S. media to spin a globalist narrative that ultimately doesn't even include a functioning nation. Eisenhower warned us about the "Military Industrial Complex" and the "Technological Elite", but political representatives took no notice or action. Now the endgame is at hand.

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