June 25, 2021

Shock: European Union Reports 1.5 Million Vaccine Injuries, 15,472 Deaths

It is inconceivable that all of these gene therapy "vaccines" are not summarily terminated by every nation on earth. The EU counterpart to the U.S.' VAERS database reports deaths and injuries that are likely understated because not all cases are reported. Even still, the actually reported numbers are staggering.

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India Recognizes Carbon Slavery As A New Wave Of Colonization

Modern Technocracy is global and thus as it seeks to reform everyone, everywhere, people from around the world are reacting and sounding alarm within their own cultural and religious settings. Technocracy doesn't respect national boundaries, religion, culture, philosophy or tradition. It will crush and control everyone in its path.

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HAARP Upgrade: National Science Foundation Funds Observatory At HAARP Facility To Study Upper Atmosphere

Geoengineering research is ramping up at Alaska's High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) as taxpayer funds roll in from the National Science Foundation to build a companion observatory to study the effects of intentional manipulation of the upper atmosphere.

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Stanford Prof Sees ‘Superhero’ Vaccine For ‘Body-Wide Genetic Upgrade’ Within 10 Years

Transhumanist scientists are coming out of the closet world-wide, emboldened by the current unapproved and untested gene therapy injections for COVID-19. This Stanford geneticist calls it an ‘autocorrect’ vaccine that literally rewrites your DNA that will be passed to your offspring.

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