July 26, 2021

Global Resistance By Anti-Lockdown Protestors Explodes As Technocrats Fight Back

Technocracy's so-called "Science of Social Engineering" isn't going according to plan as massive protests around the world disrupt the expected orderly response. As a result, Technocrats are applying physical pressure to crush resistance, such as water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas and financial fines.

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Boris Johnson’s Transformation From ‘Conservative’ Libertarian To Technocrat Tyrant

If COVID lockdowns were not bad enough, Chinese-style social credit scoring is establishing itself in Britain as Boris Johnson seeks to control food consumption and exercise regimens. Technocrats in Britain have totally betrayed the Brexit movement by imposing an even worse dictatorship on their own people than the EU could have ever done.

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How Geospatial-Based Tech Catalyzes Smart Cities In India

Geospatial technology is like Google Maps on steroids, detailing all features of buildings and infrastructure in cities, and then overlaying that with the tracking of people as they move about that infrastructure. Such ubiquitous tracking leads to digital slavery and total control over the entire system.

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