July 2021

Mercola: In Washington, DC, Doctors Can Secretly Vaccinate Your Kids Without Your Knowledge Or Consent

A stunning breach of medical ethics is turning into outright lawlessness as logic and Federal laws are abandoned. The Technocrat mind sees no point in parental consent over vaccination of their young children because "the science is settled" and why should anyone object to that? However, the science is NOT settled and we object!

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WHO Creating Digital Wallet To Store Vaccination Certifications

Technocrats are pushing for universal blockchain-based digital wallets to store your "papers", whether your vaccine certification, travel pass, medical information, social credit score, Internet passport, etc. What can be monitored, can be controlled and that's the point of Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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Post-Vaccine Deaths: Where Are The Autopsies?

Dr. Jane Orient weighs in. Yet another facet of standard medical practice is being suppressed. Autopsies were routinely ordered in cases where death is unexplained or needed to be studied for clarification. The Technocrat mind is essentially stating, "We know people are dying but we don't care to know why."

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The Evil Twins Of Transhumanism And Technocracy

The dots between Technocracy and Transhumanism are easily connected once its understood that both sit atop the pseudo-science religion of Scientism, which posits that science is god and scientists and engineers are its priesthood. This article provides the current framework to understand this nexus.

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Jigsaw: Google’s Private Intelligence Agency

Google and it's parent company, Alphabet, are maneuvering to replace the functions and boundaries of the nation-state. Collectively, the have more power to influence propaganda, events and elections than most regimes have. In view here is their organized effort to create a private intel agency.

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What Will You Do When The Feds Come Knocking?

Technocrats, who always expect predictable and uniform outcomes, are shocked that so many citizens are refusing the experimental and unauthorized gene therapy shots. So now, they have coopted government to come knocking on your door to intimidate and bully you into compliance. Get ready to respond BEFORE they come knocking.

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Big Media Talking Points: Mask Mandates To Return By Fall 2021

The talking points have been released to Big Media as several have stated that mask mandates will surely return because of the delta variant of COVID-19. The un-vaxxed are positioned as the enemy and cause of 'two Americas' that are emerging. America needs to run these carpetbaggers out of town.

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