September 2021

Louisiana State University Students Unenrolled For No Vaccine, Lose 50% Of Tuition

Students at LSU are doubly punished for daring to opt out of Covid injections for any reason: 1) they are kicked out all of their class enrollments, banned from campus and 2) they are fined 50 percent of their tuition. This will likely not survive a legal challenge, but school tyranny across America is increasing at a meteoric rate.

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Pfizer Admits: Israel Is Massive Experiment For mRNA Gene Therapy Shots

Pfizer is under exclusive contract with Israel to conduct a giant lab experiment for its mRNA gene therapy injections, meaning that Pfizer is in control of injection policy, not Israel. Among the fully-vaccinated, cases and deaths are skyrocketing. In the face of disaster, Pfizer's Technocrats respond: More booster shots!

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Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary’

Former FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, admits that the 6 foot figure for social distancing was completely arbitrary and had no science behind it whatsoever. This is why schools were shut down since students could not be kept 6 feet apart. All for nothing. If parents were not angry before, this will set their hair on fire

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Scientists: Edible Plants Being Altered To Carry mRNA Vaccine Payload

GMO Lettuce and spinach could carry the mRNA vaccine directly into humanity's food supply, obviating "informed choice". This follows virus development where a GMO contagious virus would carry the mRNA vaccine. Why are Transhuman scientists so bent on changing the genetic structure of mankind? Humans 2.0.

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Washington State Is Hiring ‘Strike Team’ For Secured Isolation/Quarantine Facility

Leftist governor Jay Inslee established an isolation and quarantine facility in Centralia and is now seeking to hire a "strike team" to provide services, security and management to the facility. Patient check-in is said to be voluntary but you cannot leave without notifying the staff. The state provides around-the-clock security.

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Technocrats Are Preparing ‘Mandatory’ Personal Carbon Allowances

As forecast, the pandemic and global warming memes are merging because they are both orchestrated by the exact same alarmist crowd of Sustainable Development ideologues. The UN's Sustainable Development goals are the plumb line for the future of humanity and are totally embedded in the WEF's Great Reset.

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Technocrat Strategies Emerge To Block Religious Exemptions For Vaccines

The narrative goes like this: If you want a religious exemption for vaccination, then you must additionally swear off all other medications, including over-the-counter items like Tylenol, Tums and Preparation H. Essentially, you must abandon all health care. While totally absurd, this will spread like wildfire as Technocrats demand universal submission.

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Vaccine Mandate Creates Confusion, Conflict At UN Assembly In New York

As world leaders fly into New York City for the latest UN General Assembly meeting, the UNs polarization over vaccines, vaccine passports, masks, etc., has come home to roost: Confusion, anger, conflicting national policies, the New York City mandate on vaccination, etc., is pushing nations apart, not bringing them together.

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Technocracy And The Covidian Cult

If one substitutes C.J. Hopkins' concept of "global capitalism" with Technocracy, this article paints a detailed and revealing portrait: "a new form of totalitarianism, a globalized, pathologized, depoliticized form, which is being systematically implemented under the guise of “protecting the public health.'”

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