October 2021

Meta: The Final Disconnect From Reality?

Mark Zuckerberg hasn't lost his mind, but he wants you to lose yours... to the metaverse. He is investing billions of dollars to make sure that his rebranded company, Meta, will be the industry leader in the same way that IBM dominated the computer industry for many decades. 

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‘Striketober’: Mass Resistance To Vaccination Is Carefully Hidden From View By Organized Labor Union Strikes

There is rapidly expanding mass resistance of Americans refusing to take the experimental gene injections posing as "safe and effective" vaccines. The Technocrat response is to frame them as part of organized labor strikers in order to mute their thunder.

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Why Carbon Hysteria And Decarbonization Policies Are Economically Insane

Carbon-based humanity lives in a carbon-based world. Those at the top of the pyramid who truly hate humanity, promote anti-carbon policies to reduce population and economic activity. The rest of the world accepts the greenwash agenda as a religious proposition without any clue of what they are doing.

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Next: 1,000 Private Jets Will Assemble In Davos To Execute The Great Reset

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a Utopian myth that will not "save the world" but rather destroy it. Its cracked policies have been noted for at least 30 years and the fruit of destruction is all around us. If successful, their dream that "You will own nothing" will not bring happiness, but rather homelessness.

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COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect Of Owning Nothing

The snake is eating its tail. Curtailing energy in any form curtails economic activity by the same amount because all economic activity requires energy. Many countries will have a cold, dark winter thanks to the contrived energy crunch around the world. The transformation to Technocracy is predicated on the destruction of the existing economic system.

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Glasgow, COP26, World Economic Forum, Great Reset

Get ready for the "Glasgow Declaration" as the UN meets with global oligarchs from the World Economic Forum in Glasgow to hammer out the destruction of the old economic system and the initiation of the Great Reset. As attendees fly in on private jets, the discussions will focus on removing carbon from the atmosphere

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Durham, NC Gives Universal Basic Income To Ex-Cons

Universal Basic Income seems to be spreading like wildfire but it does nothing to revive economic activity. Instead, it suppresses economic activity by enabling would-be wage earners to live off "free money." UBI payments keep people impoverished, ultimately driving them further into despair and poverty.

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Los Angeles Launches Largest Universal Basic Income Pilot

Ironically, Mayor Garcetti's UBI program is called "BIG LEAP". It's easier to throw money at impoverished citizens than it is to take the jackboot off the necks of local business who could create jobs for these people. Most UBI experiments have been conducted by cities run by radical leftist mayors and councils.

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Chicago To Launch Huge Universal Basic Income Program

Even though UBI trials have not produced tangible benefits to society, city after city continue to take the plunge, expecting different results. Americans are generally against UBI, preferring work to being on the government dole. Protagonists claim that robots will displace workers; others say that the economy just doesn't work for some citizens.

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