October 2021

After Mass Firings, Washington Governor Now Eyes Shot Mandate For All Private Businesses

Washington State is close to going full-on Australia as Gov. Inslee now looks to mandate vaccines for all private businesses. Duly-elected state legislators who have refused the vaccine are being locked out of government buildings in Olympia. State troopers have been fired along with other first-responders.

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Google’s Dystopian Research Censorship, Twisting Knowledge

Google's AI is broken because it reflects the biases of its creators. That's dangerous. Worse, its legal mob has circled the wagons to protect Google's reputation and hide its shortcomings. The result? Research papers are being censored by lawyers who know little about what they are censoring.

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Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth

Few people saw the real driving force behind Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Convention in 1992. This article is necessarily long and detailed. Some may find it difficult to follow. However, the research is explosive and gives a new and poignant explanation of how and why the world was thrown upside down with a pandemic narrative orchestrated by Big Pharma and the biotechnology industries.

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Mercola: Chinese Defector Reveals COVID Origin

It is ultimately important to know for certain where SARS-CoV-2 was engineered and what motive was behind its release. Technocrats in China have no problem working with Technocrats in the United States or around the world, to achieve common goals. The non-stop propaganda machine since January 2020, is definitely trying to obscure the truth.

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Sweden Indefinitely Suspends Moderna Shot After Deadly Heart Condition

Sweden is the fourth nation to ban Moderna. Brick by brick, the globalist fear-mongering campaign is being dismantled and recognized for what it is. Propaganda and experimental injections at the expense of lives is unacceptable, and the Technocrats who control the narrative should be removed from all public policy.

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Unpacking Propaganda: What Is It? What Can You Do About It?

America is awash with harmful and dangerous propaganda, but few people understand what it is, how it works and what can be done to overcome it. This article examines the nature, structure and intent of propaganda so readers can increase awareness and discernment. 

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COVID Authoritarians Are Wrecking America, Not The Unvaccinated

Writers are recognizing that the "blame game" points fingers away from the real perpetrators. Technocrats have triggered the base and dark instincts of would-be tyrants to completely disrupt the world's economic system, thus playing into the so-called "Great Reset" to "Build Back Better".

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Sam Altman Lays Out Global Infrastructure For Universal Basic Income

Altman has shown himself to be both a Technocrat and Transhuman, convinced that Universal Basic Income is the answer to job-displacing automation, AI and robots. He is scanning irises all over the world to prove that no two persons' eyes are the same, thus paving the way for a universal ID.

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AG Merrick Garland Admits Targeting Parents As ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Was Based Solely On Letter From National School Boards Assn

Under sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Garland was pried open by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to admit the only reason he targeted school student's parents was a spurious letter that he received from the leftist National School Boards Association. The whole incident smacks of Technocrat manipulation.

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Shock: COVID Shots May Be Killing More People Than COVID Itself

Reading statistical data can be tricky, but consistent inferences across different data sets is like "where there is smoke, there is fire."  Globally, vaccine-related deaths may be approaching 1 million. Why haven't these FDA Emergency Use Authorization injections been halted? Hint: The agenda doesn't include saving lives.

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