November 15, 2021

Boom: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book Blows The Lid Off Of Anthony Fauci’s Dark Past And Hidden Agenda

Anthony Fauci is poster child for Technocracy: unelected, unaccountable, ethically challenged and driven by a twisted sense of scientific progress. Kennedy's exposé is already an instant best seller based on pre-orders and fully exposes Fauci's hidden agenda.

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Austria Locks Down 2 Million Unvaccinated Citizens

In an oxymoronic, logic-failed statement, the Technocrat chancellor of Austria said, “My aim is very clear: to get the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, not to lock up the unvaccinated.” But, he has locked up the unvaccinated... all 2 million of them! They face huge fines and arrest if they don't stay in their houses.

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Rogue School Board Created List Of Parents Who Dissented Against Them At Meetings

Mean-spirited Technocrats at the Scottsdale, AZ school board figured it was a good idea to build dossiers on parents who dissented against them at school board meetings. No matter that it was an egregious violation of law, ethics and the Constitution. Parents are rightly demanding resignations.

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