November 2021

‘Digital Biology’: Biology Viewed As An Information Processing System

Google's parent, Alphabet, is already deeply embedded in the medical industry, but is expanding with a new subsidiary, Isomorphic Labs. The company will attempt to discover the "common underlying structure between biology and information science", in a quest to accelerate new drug discovery. It will partner with pharmaceutical and biomedical companies.

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Technopopulism: How Technocracy And Populism Are Fitting Together

TN has warned in recent years on the dangers of Technopopulism, or the merging of Populism with Technocracy. The first authoritative book, Democracy by Disclosure: The Rise of Technopopulism by Mary Graham, visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, appeared in 2002.

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Singapore’s Technocracy Dream Is Turning Into A Surveillance State Nightmare

Singapore is long acknowledged as a Technocracy and is home to Parag Khanna, author of Technocracy in America.  The PR spin on Singapore claims it is a bastion of enlightened and progressive living, but the reality of actually living there is intolerant authoritarianism, massive and constant surveillance, curtailed rights.

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It Begins: FBI SWATS Mom Who Protested Colorado School Board, Terrorizes Family

Historically dealing only with violent, law-breaking criminals, the FBI has tragically morphed into a domestic terror organization under the control of a radical leftist federal administration. This police-state tactic of lawless intimidation must be stopped immediately, first by constitutional sheriffs forbidding the FBI from entering their jurisdictions and secondly, by Congressional defunding of the agency.

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FBI Unleashed ‘Counterterrorism Tools’ Against Dissenting Parents Who Protest At School Board Meetings

Even as AG Garland recanted under oath before Congress that he was influenced by a scurrilous letter from the radically partisan non-profit National School Boards Association (NSBA), the FBI was already directing its counterterrorism against dissenting parents.

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CDC Declares It Has No Record Of Naturally Immune Transmissions Of COVID-19

In response to a very specific FOIA request regarding records of naturally immune individuals having spread the COVID virus to others, the CDC came up completely blank. In other words, zip, nada, zilch. Thus, all claims that unvaccinated people with natural immunity can spread the virus... are based on nothing!

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Sharyl Attkisson: Vaccine Mandates Are The Ultimate Showdown

Pandemic policies have nothing to do with health of citizens when "saving" 100 lives on left hand results in crushing the lives of 1,000 on the right hand. As seasoned and experienced workers are thrown out of their careers, many will end up with menial jobs just trying to survive. Others will literally be thrown into homelessness.

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