Whitehead: Metaverse Is ‘Freedom’ Meted Out By Technological Tyrants

For anyone looking forward to experiencing the Metaverse, you have been warned. If you let your children participate in the Metaverse, you have been warned. If you think it's just a game, an educational tool or a place for cheap entertainment, you have been warned. The Metaverse is a place where souls will be trapped and enslaved.

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Epic Fail: COVID ‘Vaccines’ Do Not Impact Infection Rates

Any evidence that mass inoculation inhibits infection rates has disappeared, yet an abundance of evidence has surfaced that people are dying from the shots all around the world. Worse, there is still no talk among Technocrats of halting this monstrous experiment on humanity. Only citizens can crush their vacuous narrative.

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Now Atlanta Dives Into Universal Basic Income Experiment

Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been a plank of Technocracy since it emerged in 1932. Technocracy is easily seen as a global threat because UBI "experiments" are popping up on all continents. Who whispers into leadership's ear that UBI is a workable idea and that it should be embraced?

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Metaverse: AR Pioneer Warns ‘It Could Make Reality Disappear’

The logical end of the Metaverse is to sink people into an artificial reality which will be so addictive that they will not be able or willing to escape. Louis Rosenberg's warning should be heeded: he created the first fully functional augmented reality system for the Air Force.

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Study: Double-Jabbed Dying at 6x Higher Rate Than the Unvaxxed

Technocrats have apparently taken control of the death rate, exposing their agenda of population reduction. The number of vax-related deaths is soaring to genocidal proportions and not even a whole year has passed since the massive shot campaign started. And yet, there is no talk about halting these FDA unapproved shots.

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Pfizer CEO: People Who Spread Misinformation On COVID Gene Therapy Shots Are ‘Criminals’

Bourla is nearly delusional to point the finger at anyone else for misinformation about Pfizer's COVID shot. He was addressing the super-elitist Atlantic Council, whose Board of Directors is riddled with members of the Trilateral Commission like Henry Kissinger, Joseph Nye and Paula Dobriansky and others

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Bill Gates Now Warns About Smallpox Terror Attacks?

As one of the top global Technocrats pushing a clearly-exposed agenda, Bill Gates has no credibility to warn anyone about anything, and yet he is seeking billions of dollars in new (taxpayer-funded) research on ways to control and dominate humanity.

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Part I: Stealing The Global Commons And Everything Else

The goal of modern globalization that started with the Trilateral Commission in 1973, was always to grab all the resources of the world. This is clearly seen today through the operations of the World Economic Forum and public-private partnerships. It's a "winner-take-all" strategy.

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Part II: Stealing The Global Commons And Everything Else

While the world focuses on global warming and pandemics, the greatest heist of all time is taking place right under our nose: "For them it means possession of everything: every resource on the planet, all land, all water, the air we breath and the natural world in its entirety, including all of us."

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Delingpole: COP26 UN Summit Is Globalist Gaslighting Operation

Merriam Webster on gaslighting: to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability.

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