Explosive: How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots

I was recently asked on a radio interview who is really in control of things: government or Technocrats? I answered, "Technocrats" and this reports clearly demonstrates why. Governments bow low to Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Corp. Bureaucrats and elected officials who think they are in control are simply delusional

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Fitts: Toward Global Technocracy And Slavery

Technocracy views humans as a natural resource to be exploited, similar to oil or livestock. Controlling economic activity, therefore, requires controlling all the resources. Since energy is the gas pedal to all economic output, Technocrats create a "sustainable development" equation under their total control.

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UK: Post ‘False Information’ About Vaccines, Get Two Years In Jail?

The Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy, must criminalize and suppress all opposing speech and ideas, lest the people of society realize what is really happening and throw the attackers off. Because of alternative media's success at bypassing censorship, criminalization is now seen as a necessary curb.

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Mercola: How to Fight Vaccine Mandates and Passports

The world is fed up with Technocrat/Transhumanist assaults and is fighting back on every continent. The agenda to destroy society and our economic system is becoming more clear by the day and people are starting to see it as an existential threat to civilization, which indeed it is.

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Great Reset: Biden Pledges To ‘Remake’ American Economy At UN Conference

But, he says don't worry, that his agenda will help Americans save energy by installing solar panels on their homes to make them more energy efficient. This is patently insane Technocrat babbling about saving the world by destroying the world. In the end, the anti-carbon rhetoric will be seen as anti-human.

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Metaverse: Blurring The Lines Of Reality With NWO Transhumanism

With the metaverse at your fingertips, you can literally own nothing and be happy in your fantasy world, perhaps enhanced with a little 'magic mushroom' hallucinogenic for extra thrills and connections. Will your reality be where you exist in the physical universe or in the metaverse?

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Wall Street Launches New Asset Class To Dominate Nature

Wall Street's "financialization of nature" is a twisted scheme that turns nature into a commodity, allowing investors to speculate on it. This is comparable to the massive derivative markets where value is hypothesized into betting instruments. Despite the rhetoric, it will not help to save the environment.

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Meta: The Final Disconnect From Reality?

Mark Zuckerberg hasn't lost his mind, but he wants you to lose yours... to the metaverse. He is investing billions of dollars to make sure that his rebranded company, Meta, will be the industry leader in the same way that IBM dominated the computer industry for many decades. 

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‘Striketober’: Mass Resistance To Vaccination Is Carefully Hidden From View By Organized Labor Union Strikes

There is rapidly expanding mass resistance of Americans refusing to take the experimental gene injections posing as "safe and effective" vaccines. The Technocrat response is to frame them as part of organized labor strikers in order to mute their thunder.

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