Whitehead: Are Government Roundups Of Resistors In Our Future?

Technocracy and the surveillance state it has created has one main natural enemy: unpredictability. What is predictable is marketable. What is not predictable spoils the predictability of the herd, and hence, marketable profits. Thus, taking the unpredictable, the non nudge-able, the narrative spoilers, etc., out of circulation makes perfect sense.

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Flashback: Why Coronavirus Will Accelerate The Great Reset

This chilling article is a must-read to understand why the pandemic is the ramrod for the Great Reset. One silver lining, it states, "is the chance to experiment with technologies and co-operative approaches across borders".  Thus, the entire human race is seen as their experimental laboratory to try out new technologies like genetic engineering, universal ID, etc.

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When Elon Musk Hooked Up With The Pagan Witch

When Technocrat Musk met Transhumanist/occultist Grimes, they spawned a baby in 2020 whose given name is "X Æ A-XII". Now a toddler, X Æ A-XII calls his mother by her birth name, "Claire". Even though Musk and Grimes are recently separated, the connection has been forever established: Technocracy and Transhumanism are joined at the hip like Siamese Twins and shrouded in occult darkness.

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London Slips Into Technocracy, Becomes Blueprint For The World

The tiny City of London, just one square mile in size, is where all the banks and financial institutions are located. This is the yeast that leavens the whole lump of dough, as Greater London and all of England have slipped into Technocrat tyranny. National leadership reflected this with the elections of Theresa May and then Boris Johnson, both having succumbed to the forces of Techno-Populism.

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Fully Vaccinated Couple Dies From COVID Within Minutes Of Each Other

The mRNA gene therapy injections have failed to protect recipients from catching and dying from the COVID virus. Reports are surfacing all over the world claiming that the majority of recently hospitalized patients are fully vaccinated, and yet global Technocrats demand that everyone take the shot anyway. Why? Is there an ulterior motive to these injections that has nothing to do with the health of citizens?

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‘Carbon Crimes’: Torturing Law And Reason to Rid The Planet Of Climate Change Deniers

Several years ago, climate propagandist Al Gore stated, "Climate deniers deserved to be punished." As tyranny gains traction, it always finds a way to forcibly suppress its intended victims. This article nails it: "The climate movement has discovered criminal law as a tool for conducting climate politics."

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How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite's goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world.

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Kaboom: YouTube Bans ALL Anti-Vaccine Content

"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." YouTube and Google are the self-declared arbiters of evil, not truth, and they say evil is any negative information about unapproved gene therapy injections. Consequently, thousands of legitimate doctors, scientists and health professionals are disenfranchised from the world's largest video platform. 

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Italy Decrees That Companies Not Pay Unvaccinated Workers

The cradle of Western civilization is now the cradle of outright tyranny. Italy is leading the way to crush freedom and liberty by forcing every citizen to be vaccinated and carry the "green pass". Obey or lose your means of survival, namely your paycheck and your savings as you also pay huge fines for disobedience.

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Bill Gates: The Figurehead of Modern Technocracy

Bill Gates is a ruthless monopolist with visions of global dominance. His tentacles manipulate education, geo-engineering, climate, agriculture, population surveillance, genetics, medicine and governments. He is singularly the most important driver of the pandemic and mandated vaccine policies.

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