RT-PCR Test Loses FDA Emergency Use Authorization On January 1, 2022

The CDC originally applied for EUA status for the RT-PCR test for COVID-19 in February 2020. Since then, it has proved to be notoriously unreliable and has largely been discredited as a diagnostic tool to detect the COVID-19 virus. The test will be outlawed on January 1, 2022. 

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Robogeddon: Autonomous ‘Slaughterbots’ Programmed To Kill

Technocrats invent because the can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. When AI, GIS, GPS, facial recognition and military hardware meet, what would you expect other than automated slaughter? It's faster, easier and far removed from pulling the trigger with an enemy in your sights.

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The Unlikely Revolutionaries Who Want To ‘Reboot’ The Internet

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and a group of tech titans are banding together to upend finance and governance structures with blockchain innovations, loosely called 'Web3'. Offered on the basis of decentralization from existing power structures, it could easily morph into a system of total control over everything on earth.

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Rickards: The Great Supply Chain Collapse

Technocracy must murder capitalism and free market economics in order to flip the world - and humanity - into a Great Reset. The collapse of the global supply chain should be seen as an atomic weapon that will upend and disrupt every economy on earth. This is the fragility caused by globalism's so-called "interdependence" of global economies started in the 1970s.

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Flashback: Social Credit And The Dark Side Of Blockchain

Technocrat Jack Dorsey recently resigned from Twitter's dystopian culture to immerse himself full-time into the bitcoin and blockchain technology world in order to "reset the internet" (Web 3.0) and decentralize traditional global structures. Dorsey's dystopian touch will expose blockchain as the ultimate system of total control.

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#MeToo Comes To Metaverse: “There I Was, Being Virtually Groped”

Whatever criminal or base behavior that exists in the real world, can and will also exist in the virtual world. Already, a female beta-tester for a metaverse software platform has reported being unexpectedly groped by a stranger. The metaverse is inevitably headed toward lawlessness and moral depravity, outside of governmental reach, much like the "Wild West" of the 1800s.

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AWS Announces IoT TwinMaker Service To Build Digital Twins

Creating a digital twin of the physical world will be key to constructing the virtual metaverse where people will move seamlessly between the real and artificial world. Within a few years, we should expect something comparable to Google Maps and Google Earth except on an immersive level where your own digital twin (avatar) can be inserted anywhere on earth.

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Man And AI Machine: Co-Evolutionary Hybrid Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron because intelligence is an exclusively human concept. Thus, if humans use their intelligence to build artificial representations of their own intelligence, it can never exceed it. Nevertheless, artificial reasoning power does not express or inherit human traits such as wisdom, compassion, love, etc.

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Technocrats Send Message: You Will Never Be ‘Fully Vaccinated’

TN has stated that Big Pharma's first goal was to get the mRNA/DNA needle into your arm, and then to continue injecting you with a never-ending string of future shots. Thus far, this is exactly what is happening, with the term "fully vaccinated" being redefined on a regular basis. Shots continue to be administered under Emergency Use Authorization.

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