NY State Crushes Healthcare Workers For Defying Vaccine Mandate

Anyone who cannot see the unmitigated tyranny behind these actions is either blind or willfully ignorant. Yesterday's healthcare "heroes" are now being thrown under the bus as today's "scum", being suddenly and forcefully ejected from lifelong careers without unemployment benefits or any other consideration. Some of these banned workers will go from a fruitful career to homelessness in the course of a few weeks.

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Endgame: Forced Vaccination Targets WEF ‘Great Reset’ As Outcome

Don't be "gaslighted" by the World Economic Forum or the Big Pharma medical system: These have declared war on humanity by ripping apart the fabric of society through tyranny. It is a scorched-earth strategy that provides the survivors with the opportunity to "build back better." The losers will left in a state of neo-feudalism where "you will own nothing and be happy."

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Telosa: A Technocratic City In The Making

Utopia, aka Technocracy, by any other name is still Utopia and not one single attempt to built it has ever succeeded. Yet,  the billionaire class continue the myth by promoting new efforts on virtually ever continent on earth. Telosa is the latest iteration to build a city from the ground up to model their dreams.

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DNA Vaccines: Changing The Genetic Makeup Of Humanity

Invented by scientists in India, this is "the first plasmid DNA vaccine that has been authorized for human use" and purports to inject so-called 'naked DNA" under the skin of your arm. When inducted into the patient's DNA, permanent changes to the germ-line will pass the genetic modifications to offspring.

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Hospitals Will Cause Their Own Demise With Mandated Vaccine Policies

What do nurses see about vaccines that would cause them to lay down their careers when their employer tries to force them to be injected? Hospitals are going to cause their own demise over mandated vaccines. Other industries, already challenged by labor shortages, will suffer the same fate. Management will remain clueless as they sift through the ashes of bankruptcy.

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Forget 5G, China Is Ramping Up For 6G

It's not just a question of faster, but of the unleashing of other technologies, such as AI, augmented reality and the metaverse. The 6G "pipe" will be stratified into several layers, some reserved for audio, some for data and some for the Internet of Everything and some for police/military communication.

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Crypto Equated To Toxic Pre-Crisis Derivative Swaps

In the 2007-2008 financial meltdown, it was so-called 'derivative' market that almost toppled the world. Derivatives are bets on future market or economic behavior and loose no consequences until certain triggers are pulled. Estimates of the size of the derivatives market are in the quadtrillions.

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Boom: China Declares All Virtual Currency Transactions “Illegal”

As a Technocracy, it is no surprise that China would summarily wipe out any and all competition for its own central bank issued currency. Secondly, this is a form of capital controls because many citizens were moving their wealth offshore with Bitcoin and Ether. That avenue is now closed.

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Cause And Effect: Technocracy Directly Linked To Medical Tyranny

The writer, Thomas Knapp, is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism. He is spot on to see the so-called pandemic as a direct outcome of Technocracy, and concludes, "the technocrats exercised their power abusively — and ineffectually too boot. It’s time to take that power away."

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London School Of Economics (LSE) Launches Course On ‘Technocracy 1914-1945’

LSE is a leading academic driver of globalization, and has scheduled a course on historic Technocracy for the period of 1914-1945. These were the formative years leading to modern Technocracy. Not surprisingly, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation and Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order do not appear on the reading list.

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