All Federal Workers Will Be Forced To Take Vaccines

The full force of Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship has fallen upon America as Biden will announce that all Federal workers will be forced to be vaccinated, with limited exemptions or exceptions allowed. The mandate will also likely fall on all contractors and sub-contractors doing business with the Federal government.

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IBM Colluded With Hitler, Now Leads In Making Vaccine Passports

In 1932, IBM and the Technocracy movement shared the basement of Hamilton Hall, which is where Hollerith tabulator was developed. Both IBM and Technocracy played a role in Nazi Germany, but IBM's involvement was unspeakable yet thoroughly documented. IBM is now the leader in promoting and developing vaccine passports!

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Amazon Looks To Eliminate Cashiers At Whole Foods Stores

Technocrats at Amazon continue to push cashier-less stores, first with Amazon-Go and now with its subsidiary, Whole Foods. Cashiers do not make up the largest portion of grocery employees, but they will eventually be missing from many stores as this trend continues, and the use of cash will diminish, forcing people to pay with smart phone apps.

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Warning: Digital Currencies Portend Deeply Negative Interest Rates

As a matter of Technocrat policy, "If people can’t hoard physical money, it becomes much easier to cut rates far below zero." This means your banked funds risk being plundered at the will of the policy makers. Eventually, all money accrues to the takers while the depositors see their wealth vanish.

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New Navy Weapon Can Literally Stop You From Talking

This is not a battlefield weapon as much as it is for simple crowd control. It has the potential for egregious violations of free speech and human rights if used by governments to suppress dissent. Technocrats invent because they can, not because of a demonstrated need to do so.

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How the Corrupt World Health Organization Promotes Medical Tyranny Throughout The World

Whatever the WHO was at the beginning, it has been totally subsumed by global actors such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, GAVI and Big Pharma. As a full-fledged agency of the UN, the WHO is corrupt from top to bottom and totally dedicated to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy

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Samsung Says 6G Will Bring ‘Digital Twins’

6G will be 50 times faster than 5G and will enable the Metaverse where everything will be digitalized. Holograms, AI and virtual reality will be commonplace if not required for modern life in the real world.

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America’s Frontline Doctors: Do Not Quit Your Job!

Practical resistance is growing against Technocrats who want to control your life and body. If you employer makes vaccination mandatory, DO NOT QUIT. Rather, force them to fire you and bear the burden of unemployment charges.

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