60% Of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From COVID Are Double Vaxxed

The carnage created by mRNA vaccines should cause the wheels to fall off of the Technocrat narrative that people are protected when they are vaccinated, when, in fact, they are up to 13 times more likely to get the Delta variant than those with natural immunity.

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Nobel Prize Winner: COVID Variants “Are A Production And Result From The Vaccination”

This world-class virologist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Medicine clearly articulates what other scientists have claimed, that it is the mRNA vaccines themselves that are causing the mutations ("variants") of the virus around the world. He flatly states that the mRNA vaccine is a “scientific error as well as a medical error.”

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China’s Censorship Expands To Criticism Of Economic Policies

As a fully-engineered Technocracy where science can do no wrong, China is now cracking down on any dissent over economic policies and the official party narrative of economic perfection. Economic writers have been harshly critical of China's policies in the past and apparently are now considered to be enemies of the state.

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Coroner Certifies: BBC Personality Died From AstraZeneca Vaccine

Where are the coroners, you ask? Well one coroner performed an autopsy on Lisa Shaw and determined that she died from the AstraZeneca Covid-19 "vaccination." This flies in the face of "Animal Farm" fact-checkers and the larger Technocrat narrative. These gene therapy injections should have been terminated long ago.

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Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Chief Scientist Over Bashing Ivermectin, Needless Deaths Of Indian Patients

This will bring yawns to most Americans but it is the biggest story in India thus far in the pandemic era. The Indian Bar Association is suing WHO's chief scientist for purposefully misleading India's medical establishment over live-saving Ivermectin.

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Snowden Warns: Apple Has Declared War On Your Privacy

It was always Apple that always protested about user privacy, right? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Hamlet, Shakespeare) Turns out that Apple's apple is rotten as it is becoming the company that delivers user content to the Technocrat/Government surveillance machine.

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COVID Noncompliance Now Labeled Top ‘Terror Threat’

Never mind that the Taliban is slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians or that "Israelis who have received the COVID jab are 6.72 times more likely to get infected than people who have recovered from natural infection", if you oppose vaccination or other pandemic measures, YOU have been summarily declared to be a top terror threat.

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Ten Federal Agencies Pledge To Increase Use Of Facial Recognition

The DHS' Fusion Centers are again at the center of increased surveillance via facial recognition. Fusion Centers act as revolving doors for data collection and dissemination between states and federal agencies. In short, they are ubiquitous spy systems for local states and cities.

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Unvaxxed Delta Employees To Pay $200/Month More For Health Insurance

Delta would be hard pressed to prove that unvaccinated people actually incur more health expenses than their vaccinated counterparts, but that hasn't stopped the airline from issuing a mandate. The uncooperative will be punished with fines and wearing masks.

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FDA/Media Shell Game: Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Was Not Approved After All

The FDA and Pfizer have just played a shell game that leads the world to think that the Pfizer drug has been approved, but it clearly has not! This obfuscation, if not outright deception, belongs at the feet of the Food & Drug Administration. Nevertheless, the entire nation is swooning over vaccine mandates from every conceivable quarter.

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