Heartless In Seattle: Patient Dropped From Heart Transplant List Over Refusal To Take Vaccine

A patient struggles to live with a damaged heart, awaiting a transplant to save his life. The mRNA vaccines are well-known to cause Myocarditis and Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart). Medical Technocrats drop him from the transplant list because he refuses to take the vaccine that might kill him. Good medical care or total insanity?

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Mass Psychosis: How to Create an Pandemic of Mental Illness

Technocracy defined itself in 1938 as "the science of social engineering." This article sheds some light on the mechanics involved in this dark world of intentional and carefully planned manipulation of the masses.  The world in currently in a state of induced psychosis, which is deepening with every new wave of fear and propaganda.

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H.R.4980: Permanent No-Fly Grounding For Unvaccinated

In this era of Covid and vaccine hysteria, one would expect that legislation would be proposed to ban all non-vaccinated individuals from the formerly friendly skies of U.S. aviation. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Richie Torres [D-NY-15] and co-sponsored by Rep. Ed Case [D-HI-1]. It has been referred to the House Homeland Security Committee.

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TSA Extends Mask Mandate For All Airline Passengers And Employees

There is no science proving that masks are able to contain virus particles, and yet the world has gone mad to force people to wear them. Secondly, masks have been demonstrated to be harmful to the wearers and some people with other conditions should never wear a mask under any circumstance.

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Twitter Says Taliban Can Stay On Platform

Anyone who wants to make the world a better place is quickly banned from Twitter. Conversely, the destroyers of societies are allowed to remain, like the Taliban which would like to behead every freedom loving American citizen. What's wrong with this picture?

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Fearing Taliban Purge, Afghan Citizens Scramble To Delete Digital History, Evade Biometrics

It is now amply demonstrated that Technocrat tools of total surveillance can be used for unspeakable evil. Afghans who were lured into surveillance systems by U.S. forces are now running for their lives as Taliban soldiers go house-to-house searching for people to kill.

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Will Americans Accept No-Fly List For Unvaccinated?

Why is Big Pharma so desperate to get all humans vaccinated? The Technocrat pandemic narrative is now turning on the unvaccinated, redefining them as "domestic terrorists" and putting them on "no-fly" lists to prevent travel. Will Americans stand for it?

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Analysis: When Technocracy Replaces Democracy

The writer sates, "Technocracy has become a ubiquitous feature in the national pandemic response." While the world recognizes Technocracy as the natural enemy of other forms of government, the United States remains largely clueless.

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