Global Warming Activist Michael Mann Demands Censorship Of Dissenters

Michael Mann is the discredited climate scientist who fabricated the infamous "hockey stick" model of global warming. His answer to critics like Dr. Tim Ball is to sue them. Now he wants all dissenters forcibly censored and removed from public discussion. This is how the "science is settled" by pseudo-science ideologues.

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New York City Set To Ban Natural Gas From New Buildings

The irrational war on carbon is extending into public policy as major cities consider banning natural gas. Natural gas is abundant, inexpensive, clean. reliable and already built into our national infrastructure, but that's not good enough for global warming ideologues who have declared war on carbon.

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Modern Globalization: Nothing Less Than The Biggest Land Grab In History

Since the 1970s, I have said that the "New International Economic Order" was nothing less than a massive resource grab to suck everything into the hands of a narrow group of oligarchs. This was later revealed as "Sustainable Development", aka Technocracy. How else could the WEF say, "You will own nothing and be happy"? Well, somebody has to own everything!

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Smart City Tech In India To Create ‘Digital Twin’ of 100 Major Cities

Creating digital twins of urban centers is headed toward a major convergence with the metaverse where "players" will be able to insert their avatars into a hologram depiction of a city of their choice. This will also provide dual surveillance pointing out the location of your physical body vs. the location of your avatar. Ready Player One.

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Fintech Is Financial System For Sustainable Development, Aka Technocracy

Technocracy's 2020 pandemic coup has exploded the use of fintech apps in Europe by 72 percent, while the adoption and use of cryptocurrencies has risen exponentially. Designed by humans, if all AI can do is speed response time and deliver more "efficiency", then societal and policy errors will be accelerated by orders of magnitude.

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China Apologist Tries To Redefine Chinese Technocracy As ‘Humanocracy’

The author acknowledges that Technocracy is a label pinned on China by the West but suggests that an opposite term, "Humanocracy", would be more culturally appropriate. He then concludes that "the world needs the virtues of China's own governance system to be applied to global governance." Western apologists for like Albrow should experience China's repression first-hand before telling us how wonderful it is.

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China Collects American DNA With COVID Tests

China is secretly harvesting COVID test data from Americans who, ironically, were forced to be tested by city, state and federal entities. There is only one possible reason for this: biowarfare. This is one of the greatest national security threats ever faced by America because we have no defense against it. This makes nuclear threats of the past look like a field of daises.

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US Mega-Corporations Rush to Abandon Illegal Vax Mandates

Oopsie. The Biden Administration's lawlessness over vaccine mandates has been exposed and along with it, the mega-corporate malfeasance that went along with it. With vanishing government support, these same companies are rushing to reverse their own mandates to avoid a lawsuit hell of their own. While government can hide behind legal immunity, corporations cannot.

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False Panic: WHO/CDC Finds Zero Omicron Deaths In The World, Only 1 Hospitalized Across 22 States

Henny Penny, aka Chicken Little, doesn't have a monopoly on fabricated panics. The Omicron variant is a giant nothing-burger with zero reported deaths in the U.S., and yet medical Technocrats continue to cry "The sky is falling!" Big Pharma is manufacturing booster shots, which are recommended for everyone to avoid this latest pandemic threat.

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Yale Epidemiologist: Pandemic Of Fear ‘Manufactured’ By Authorities

The manufactured pandemic of fear has infected everyone while the virus has infected a relatively few. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of deaths could have been prevented with early treatment of very inexpensive Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, both of which were forcefully demonized and censored by Big Pharma.

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