Increased EV Charging Could Break California’s Power Grid

Fuel-based motor vehicles do not affect the electricity grid, but electric vehicles that require frequent charging are now threatening to overwhelm the power grid and there is nothing in sight that can make up the difference. 

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Inventor Of mRNA Technology Warned FDA That Shots Could Be Dangerous

Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA gene therapy technology and warned the FDA that the vaccines are dangerous. Did the FDA listen to him? No. Instead, he was censored by Big Pharma and the FDA went ahead with the Emergency Use Authorization that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of injuries.

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Texas Surprise: Homeowner’s Thermostats Were Raised Remotely

Smart Grid technology is being used to automatically control smart thermostats (think Nest and Honeywell) in residential homes in Texas. Homeowners were mostly shocked but Technocrats were smiling that electric demand was "balanced" on the backs of citizens.

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Biden Administration Prepping System To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends And Family

Adolph Hitler turned Nazi Germany into a nation of snitches where family members would "report" even their closest relatives and friends for suspicious activity or criticism against the Party. Innocent civilians were then arrested, tortured and forced to confess crimes they did not commit. The Biden Administration is steering in the same direction.

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Technocracy’s Inherent Evil Exposed As Anti-Human, Anti-Civilization

While Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, promises to save the world, its continued assertion of force will instead destroy it. It is inherently anti-human and anti-civilization, driven by evil, not benevolence. This article is insightful and necessary to understand the mind of a Technocrat.

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Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States

UBI is an original tenet of Technocracy in the 1930s and is gaining traction again as Technocrats like Andrew Yang promote it. UBI-dependent citizens would ultimately create a slave class that would serve the Technocracy as it sees fit. Thus far, no UBI experiment has been successful, yet it persists anyway.

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Canon In China: AI Cameras Only Let Smiling Workers Inside

Technocracy defines itself as the "science of social engineering", and Canon in China fits perfectly by demanding that employees smile to gain access into offices and conference rooms. This article properly calls this manipulation trend "modern-day Taylorism".

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