PCR Tests Are Used To Cause Disease Panic

The use of PCR tests to determine viral infection will go down in history as one of the greatest misuses of medical technology ever. Even though it can detect viral presence, PCR is wholly unable to measure viral load. A person's level of viral load that exceeds their immune system's ability to overcome it, is when symptoms appear and actual infection occurs. 

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Kennedy On Fauci: ‘Apocalyptical Forces Of Ignorance And Greed And Totalitarianism’

This is the face of Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. Social engineering and herd management principals are elevated to a status of 'prime directive' and then quietly executed behind the curtain. Now, that curtain is being ripped apart, exposing total disregard for human life and wellbeing.

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Global Digital ID: Bum’s Rush To Inject Children Hides Technocrat Objective

There is zero medical justification for injecting children with mRNA or DNA shots. The real reason appears to build a registry of digital ids on the entire generation of children, in order to track further injections as well as all other facets of their lives as they grow up. This plan has been underway well before COVID hit in early 2020.

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The Technocrat Mind: Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past And Present

The Atlantic Council conferred it highest honor, the Distinguished Business Leadership Award, to Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla. The Council is a top-tier global elite clique whose membership has been tightly intertwined with the Trilateral Commission since 1973, leading critics to declare that global policies of the two organizations are synonymous.

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Great Barrington Declaration Now Exceeds 870,000 Signatures

On October 4, 2020, three highly-respected medical professionals wrote The Great Barrington Declaration to protest damaging COVID-19 policies, including physical and mental health impacts. Today, just 14 months later, the Declaration has attracted 870,000 signatures, including almost 60,000 from medical scientists and practitioners. 

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Technocracy And The Politics Of Big Data Dominance

Predictability of behavior is the holy grail of Technocrats and if you need a little help in becoming predictable, they have many ways to nudge, manipulate, suggest and force certain behaviors. As a predictable resource, data mined from your life and soul are sold to willing buyers. And, there are plenty of them!

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Maximum Censorship: School Board Critics Arrested By School Board Cops

Parents all across America are discovering what kind of people have taken over their school boards while they were sleeping. As pressure is applied, threatened school board members are using every tool available to them in order to censor, suppress and destroy their critics. The conflict is far from over.

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Non-Compliant Austrians Now Face Prison, Huge Fines

Technocratic tyranny continues to percolate in Europe as Austria is bent on 100% compliance with its vaccine mandate, boosters included. Civil unrest will certainly continue to grow testing resolve on both sides. Germany is also ramping up persecution of its unvaxxed citizens, with predictable results.

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HR 550: House Passes Bill To Fund Federal Vaccination Database

Even a blind person could see that the only purpose to track vaccinations is to identify the unvaccinated. Technocrats have turned the unvaccinated into an enemy that must be dealt with by physical means. Today that could be fines, quarantines and criminal records. Tomorrow, it could mean mass expulsion and even genocidal purging. Tyranny never retreats on its own; it must be forcefully pushed back and definitively conquered.

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