China’s Technocrats: Forget Farmers, It’s Greenhouses

As a Technocracy, China aspires to be the most engineered, efficient and controlled nation on earth. Taking all food production into greenhouses will do away with traditional farming, offering exacting control over production and consumption.

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German Auditors: Green Energy Is A “Danger For All Of Germany”

Control over energy has been a goal of Technocracy since it was founded in 1932. Alternative energy offers control over scarce resources, while destroying abundant energy resources. Whoever control the energy controls all economic activity. Germans are discovering that the whole program is regressive and dangerous.

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Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports

Propaganda is a one-sided and skewed presentation of the facts in order to manipulate people into doing things that they would never otherwise do if they had all the facts. Today, there is a massive propaganda campaign to establish vaccine passports and it's coming from the very top of the Technocrat oligarchy. 

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Technocrat Vision For The Future Of Food

In 2014, China announced it was moving 100 million rural farmers off of their property and into cities, in order to make way for industrialized farming. Bill Gates has similar thoughts on the use of agricultural land, and has already amassed 242,000 acres of prime farmland.

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Biden Administration Calls On Private Companies To Create Vaccine Passports

In a sort of Public-Private Partnership, the Biden Administration will set "guidelines" for the development of vaccine passports. However, there is no public call for such passports and privacy watchdogs are in a frenzy to oppose it. Technocrats are pulling out all the stops to make it universal.

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Mercola: Transhumanism Exposed Beneath Gene Therapy Vaccine ‘Software Updates’ To Your Body

TN has written for years that Technocracy and Transhumanism are twin concepts. Technocracy transforms society (ie, Great Reset) and Transhumanism transforms humans. Transhumanist scientists are attempting to hijack the "evolutionary process" with direct genetic editing of DNA and RNA.

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Microsoft Scores $21.9 Billion U.S. Army Contract For Augmented Reality Headsets

Some employees are not happy about this: “We did not sign up to develop weapons, and we demand a say in how our work is used.” With almost $22 billion at stake, Microsoft's Technocrat leaders ignored those pleas and went ahead to sell the technology to the Army for combat applications.

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UK Miscarriages Rise 366% After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine

Granted that the numbers are still relatively small, but the statistical increase is stunning. Medical consequences of taking the COVID vaccine will not be forthcoming from Big Pharma, who invariably say that reactions are coincidental to taking the injection. In other words, they are not linked.

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Non-Vaxxers Will Have No Place In The ‘New Normal’ Society

The emerging purpose of the globalist-inspired and executed pandemic is to force everyone into compliance and into their web of control. For those who are not shamed and bullied into taking the vaccine, they can expect exclusion from many aspects of society, such as travel, entrance into certain stores, limited access to government facilities, etc.

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World Leaders Call For More Globalization To Solve Global Pandemic

This is the lie of the century, and exactly the same tripe heard at the Agenda 21 conference in 1992 in Rio, called UNCED (UN Conference on Economic Development) This group had already trashed most of the world's ecology over the previous 50 years, but insisted that the answer to all those problems would be more development. 

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