Fauci: Mask Wearing Needed Into 2022

Technocrat Fauci has all the moves of seasoned flip-flopping career politician. Even in the face of a rapidly-declining death-rate, he continues to maintain that two masks are better than one, and now predicts that another year of it is necessary.

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First Government Launches Green Pass For Vaccinated

Get the vaccine or recover from COVID itself and you get a Green Pass to participate in society. Try to trick the system and you will be criminalized and thrown in jail. This denies citizens' rights to "informed consent."

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Facebook Bans Australia, May Soon Regret It

In the most draconian move ever, all Australian stories are banned from being shared on Facebook, whether inside or outside of the 'down under' state. This could result in a PR nightmare as other states are now lining up to tackle Facebook's out-of-control megalomanic lust for control.

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‘No Jab, No Job’ As UK Firms Make Vaccines Mandatory

Big Pharma  is orchestrating the largest criminal syndicate in the history of the world as it knowingly supplies experimental drugs without "informed consent" of the patients. Informed consent is enshrined in law everywhere, including the Nuremberg code. Nobody is given the proper information to consent.

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Drones With Facial Recognition Are Set To Fly

Anyvision is partnered with Microsoft to build drones capable of precise facial recognition while on-the-fly. The tech is too early for ethical or moral acceptance but the company thinks it product will son be embraced by private and public entities alike.

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When Logic Fails, ‘Informed Consent’ Means Nothing

The Nuremberg Code (1947) gave the conditions of informed consent, "without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint of coercion."  The Technocrat world is guilty on all points.

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Mercola: The Web Of Censors Behind The Censors

Finally, some clarity to the network of censors around the world who control what gets censored and what does not. The network is relatively small in number, but well funded and able to leverage themselves many times over through more traditional media. This network is 100% intentional.

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Urgent: Peer-Reviewed Study Exposes Massive Corruption At CDC

The CDC controls COVID-19 policies in the United States, and yet has been busted for massive data fraud designed to overstate the death count from COVID during the election cycle leading up to the 2020 elections. Every state should launch an investigation and rip this fraud wide open

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