The Fraud of Climate Change And the Drive for Control

The birth-pangs of Technocracy are painful and messy as pseudo-science is pitted against real science. Climate change (and the COVID-19 panic) are instruments used to stampede the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Will the lies ever stop? Not likely.

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Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

Bill Gates is a poster-child for Technocracy. He clearly has his eye on monopoly-power over humanity's health with mass vaccines, but is he also trying to gain monopoly control over food? This is a must-read article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., that digs deep into Gates' global activities.

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Biden’s Race To The Bottom With The Great Reset

This article does not acknowledge Technocracy but it does identify Global Totalitarianism that is being eagerly embraced by the Biden Administration. A top-to-bottom rework of American society will allow Technocracy to grow deep roots into the foundations of our nation.

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The Mysterious Case Of Disappearing Influenza

Ample historical data is available for cycles of influenza and its impact on overall death rates. Technocrats have successfully buried influenza data, and dishonestly rolled it into COVID-19 deaths. To say this is corrupt is an understatement because tens of thousands have died because of it.

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Depopulation: COVID Causes Sperm Count In Men To Crater

As a virus, COVID is causing many unexpected effects in human biology, most of which were initially vehemently denied; brain/neurological damage, paralysis, internal organ function, etc. However, the attack on mail sperm may be the most concerning issue. 

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Boom: Florida Governor Nukes Big Tech Over Censorship

Florida becomes the first state to assert state's rights by tackling Big Tech head-on over censorship with potentially massive fines and strict regulations. With this encouragement,  other states are sure to follow. This is a must-read story.

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IARPA Developing AI To Help Predict The Future

IARPA, funded by taxpayer money like its cousin DARPA, intends to continuously collect all data about everyone in real time in order to let AI predict future incidents and events. Welcome to "anticipatory intelligence". IARPA is facilitating the rapid rise of Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship.

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IMF Calls For Internet Search History To Be Linked To Your Credit Score

Is the International Monetary Fund (IMF) trying to force China's draconian Social Credit Scoring system on the entire planet? Who will decide what Internet "histories" are bad and which are acceptable? Google, which controls 95% of search engine traffic, is undoubtedly at the center of this.

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India Invents AI Camera Network To Track Every Physical Movement

Technocrat engineers are advancing surveillance technology at breakneck speed. India's latest invention can co-opt thousands of cameras to track individuals or vehicles in real time as they move about. This is ubiquitous, full-time surveillance that could completely destroy privacy.

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State Lawmakers Rise Up To Curb Governors’ COVID Powers

State legislators are rising up against dictatorial governors to limit or remove their ability to declare emergencies to impose draconian mandates that cause damage to state citizens and economies. States, counties and cities have immense, untapped power to push back against Technocrat tyranny.

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