‘Mass Formation’: The Applied Science Of Social Engineering

In 1938, Technocracy defined itself as "The Science of Social Engineering". This professor of clinical psychology in Belgium has revealed the four key elements of "mass formation" that cause people to disconnect from reality. The Great Panic of 2020-2022 shows that all four have been realized with predictable outcomes.

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Technocracy Is ‘Hemming Us All In With No Consent, No Debate, No Right To Opt Out’

Ever get that trapped feeling? You are not paranoid. You really are getting trapped. Technocracy will surround, sweet-talk, surveil and ultimately assimilate everything in its path. It is mechanistic, unrelenting, merciless, anti-human and completely devoid of ethics and morality. Like the Borg race in Star Trek lingo, "Resistance is futile." Alas, no it's not!

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‘Free’ Interactive Kiosks Surveil Everyone While Scooping Up Their Personal Information

It's FREE! Cities are gobbling up this offer but are oblivious to the data harvesting being done to their residents. Equipped with "optional" cameras, these "smart city kiosks" will collect data from all passers-by as well as those who stop to inquire. Technocrats who collect data can never get enough.

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Autonomous Truck Yard Has More Robots Than Human Workers

The Great Panic of 2020, aka pandemic, has driven robot automation to new levels because of worker shortages. What some are saying were "nightmarish jobs", were jobs nonetheless and provided a living for now-displaced workers. With increasing use of robots, Universal Basic Income is seen as the only way to assuage the new class of unemployables.

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Scottish Government’s Vaccine Passport App Sends Private Data To Amazon, Microsoft

Who is reaping the the data from so-called vaccine passport apps necessary to participate in civic life? Big Tech. Who developed the apps and "sold" them to governments? Big Tech. Who is in control of the entire narrative? Big Tech. Governments have become "useful idiots" of Technocracy's coup d'état.

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Progressive View Rejects Zuckerberg’s ‘Dehumanizing Vision’ Of A ‘Metaverse’

TN has always said that Technocracy exists outside of political confines and definitions. Thus, increasing numbers of writers from both progressive and conservative angles are identifying the threat of a "technology coup", "dehumanizing vision", the WEF's "Technocratic governance" and so on.

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Mercola: Fully Vaxxed 9 Times More Likely To Be Hospitalized

The pandemic's science and data are twisted beyond recognition in the same way that global warming alarmists did with climate change alarmism. Despite being exposed time after time, it never served to slow them down or to clean up their act. In turn, this exposes the mean-spirited predatory nature of Technocrat pseudo-science.

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‘Critical Theory’ Shreds Social Fabric, Spawns Totalitarianism

Critical Theory rejects reason and gave birth to genocidal ideologies that killed millions in the last century. Critical Race Theory is the modern extension that pits major sections of society against each other and the outcome is predictable unless it is thoroughly rejected by all sides. Technocrats fan the flames of CRT in order to destroy the status quo and free market economics.

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Technocracy’s Perilous Swan Dive Into Outright Totalitarianism

The overarching global narrative is alternatively called "GlobalCap" by C.J. Hopkins and "Mr. Global" by Catherine Austin Fitts. TN readers understand it as Technocracy, and the only way it can rise is out of the ashes of a collapsed global economy and subservient populace. These grinding forces are driving societies to violence that nobody wants.

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