How To Stop The World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’

The "collectivist tyrants" pushing the Great Reset should be understood as Technocrats pushing Technocracy. The Populist movement is the only natural enemy of Technocracy, but this movement has largely abandoned personal responsibility as the solution while looking to figureheads instead.

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Mercola: How Big Tech Controls What You See Online

Technocracy's coup d'etat is now blatantly in-your-face but most people still do not understand what it happening because Technocrats are flooding the world with misinformation and disinformation.

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How Fake Walrus Story Helped Sell The WEF’s Great Reset At Davos

To stampede the world into the Great Reset, aka Sustainable Development and Technocracy, Technocrat environmentalists have no ethical boundaries when fabricating pure fiction in order to sell their narrative. In this case, shameless story-telling blames walrus deaths on global warming.

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Technocrats In China Introduce Anal Swabs To Test For COVID

Given the recent testing of sewer systems for the presence of COVID-19, it was just a matter of time and opportunity before scientists in China decided to go to the source for samples, namely, your anus. If wearing a face mask is seen as humiliating, just wait until these come to America.

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FBI, DOJ Perilously Close To Criminalizing Free Speech

If this prosecution moves forward, it will mark the watershed of criminalized free speech in America. The government decides what is harmful speech, not based on breaking actual laws, and the FBI shows up at your door to arrest you. This madness must stop.

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Saudi Arabia To Build Futuristic Technocratic Utopia

Saudi Arabia envisions building futuristic cities in the desert that are reminiscent of Technocracy's Technates in the 1930s, that is, fully engineered cities designed to control the people who live in them. "The Line" is the latest announcement and has to be seen to be believed.

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Forget Nature, Scientists Think They Can Grow Better Wood In Labs

This revelation is closely related to transhumanism thanks to a statement like "With the ability to “tune” the plant cells into whatever shape they decide...". Transhumans propose to create Humanity 2.0 through genetic engineering to cleanse unwanted characteristics from the gene pool and insert other desired characteristics into it.

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