The Fog Of War: Proof Masks And Lockdowns Are Worthless

There is good reason why the Bible warns, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 29:18). In the case of Technocracy's coup d'etat, those who will not see, cannot see. Their Technocrat enslavement will be on their own heads. We have warned from the beginning of the pandemic panic that the whole scheme was an intentional fraud.

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Biden Will Merge Powers Of Big Tech And Government

The Biden Administration will continue the embracement of Big Tech in order to usher in the global elite plan for a Great Reset of the world's economic system. Levin and Bokhari apparently have no understanding of Technocracy so the issues are painted as far-left vs. conservative

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Global Initiative For COVID-19 Vaccine Records

The global public has given no consent to Technocrats who are creating the framework for a scientific dictatorship that will ultimately micro-manage and control everyone in society. As a result, coercion is necessary to enforce compliance.

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The Great Reset: The Rise Of the Techno-Fascist System Is Now ‘In Your Face’

My recent interview with The Epoch Times' Joshua Phillip has sparked a rash of research and investigative journalism in order to see if what I revealed was true. Journalist Leo Hohmann, for one, is fearlessly reporting on the World Economic Forum's Great Reset and calling it out for what it is: a "blatant, in-your-face assault."

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Xi Jinping Opens WEF In Davos, Pledges Support For The “Great Reset”

As a Technocracy, China is one-hundred percent behind the World Economic Forum's so-called "Great Reset" that will throw the world into Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship. China knows something about this as it very efficiently represses 18.5% of the world's population in its own country.

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Your Face Is Set To Replace Your Bank Card

Facial recognition is getting deeply embedded into consumer services where payment is required, eliminating the use of physical payment cards. While convenient for users, the amount of data collected is a a total penetration of personal privacy, in spite of promises to keep your data secure.

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EU To Implement Block-Wide Vaccine Passport Standard

Technocrats pushing the Great Reset, total surveillance and social engineering are moving at high speed to lock in gains at the expense of real science and thousands of statements from health and medical professionals to the contrary. Anyone who thinks this madness will not come to America isn't paying attention.

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