Harsh Lockdowns In UK Fail To Curtail COVID-19 Infections

Technocrats who pushed policies like masks, social distancing and lockdowns in the first place had no evidence that they would work. Now the data is coming in that they are largely worthless against stopping COVID-19 or any other virus and in fact may be increasing the spread.

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Mayors Of 30 Cities Now Pushing For Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income was an original tenet of 1930s Technocracy, but every UBI experiment in modern days has failed. Nevertheless, thirty more mayors have stepped up to the plate to push for UBI. Governments have no source of income to pay for UBI, but that is overlooked

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Vaccine Passports Adopted By A Barrage Of New Countries And Airlines

Countries and global corporations will drive herds of people to get vaccinated in order to travel, enter government buildings, participate in commerce, get discounts at participating retailers and wholesalers, etc. This is tantamount to extortion and will force many people to take vaccines against their own will.

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Greenwald Warns: A New Domestic War On Terror Is Coming

The focus on the 9/11 war on terror was radical Islamic militants. The 1/6 war on terror pivots internally to declare conservative Americans as domestic terrorists. Will the current Administration refocus the Intelligence and military communities against American citizens? There are already a chorus of calls to do just that.

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Germany Sets Up “Refugee Camps” To Hold COVID Rule Breakers

When power turns to madness, governments have no restraint in creating isolation camps for detractors, as in Germany. The Technocrat destruction of liberty, freedom and the world's economic system is tumbling to conclusion, but will the citizens of the world mount an effective resistance?

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Mercola: Digital ‘Anti-Hate’ Group Labels Vaccine Skeptics As National Security Threat

Big Pharma's global hammer is coming down on all vaccine skeptics as falsely called 'anti-hate' groups label them as extremists and threats to national security. Why is Big Pharma so desperate to get a DNA-modifying vaccine needle into humanity's arm? It's beyond just marketing and desire for profit.

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