March 15, 2022

Corbett: Technocracy’s Siren Call In China Summons Technocrat Tyrants

Birds usually keep to their own species. Eagles don't fly with sparrows, nor buzzards with geese. Technocrats are like that and underscore the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together." Tyrants and Big Tech love and esteem China, not because it is a communist dictatorship, but because it is a Technocracy! This article nails it.

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Technocracy Aims To Control Health Systems Worldwide, Forever

Control over the global health system is set to grow. This represents an assault on bodily autonomy down to your genetic structure. It also is an attempt to control the very soul - mind, will and emotions - of everyone on earth. Ultimately, souls will become a tradable commodity like wheat, corn or cattle. Welcome to Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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DHS Fusion Centers Are Drivers Of Total China-Like Surveillance

As DHS Fusion Centers have infiltrated police departments across America, the invasive surveillance state has grown up right under our noses. It has become like the all-seeing Eye of Sauron that sees everything but misinterprets everything and understands nothing. TN has warned about Fusion Centers for years.

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