March 29, 2022

You’ll Be Transhuman Whether You Like It Or Not

Transhumans and Technocrats, joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are bent on taking over the entire world and all genetic life within it. Moderna, et al, have successfully invaded human flesh to hack the "software of life". They are now using AI to create endless, artificially synthesized mRNA shots to continually hack the "software of life." This is a must-read article.

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Military Looks For AI To Replace Decision-Making On Battle Field

Left unchecked, artificial Intelligence will eventually subsume all areas of life on earth, including health, population management and warfare. As the wounded are harvested from battlefields, AI is now sought for performing triage to decide which soldiers to treat first who are deemed to be "savable", potentially leaving others to die.

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Eric Schmidt: The Real Brains Behind Biden’s Science Office

Biden has thrown open the doors of power of science and health care to Eric Schmidt, former Alphabet and Google chairman and member of the Trilateral Commission. Schmidt is heir apparent to Henry Kissinger, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Fauci, Gates and Collins are figureheads of health tyranny, but Schmidt may be the principal director.

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