June 2022

Catastrophic: Technocrat War On American Energy

During Biden's election campaign, he said, "No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. It ends.” Now, he is begging Saudi Arabia to sell us oil for $120/barrel when we could have produced the same barrel for under $50/barrel. This is what Technocracy's plan to control all energy looks like.

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Study: Male Fertility Tanks 15.4% After mRNA Injections

Accusations of population reduction keep coming up when studies like this are revealed: sperm count drops over 15% within three months of taking the shot. There are many other side effects of the mRNA injections, which collectively should have shut down the whole program before it ever got off the ground.

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Energy Crisis: EU Headed For Dark Ages, ‘Poverty For Generations’

Europe is marching to the same Great Reset drum as America: restriction of energy will drive the economy into a downward spiral that will be almost impossibly to stop once it is in motion. Next to China, the EU is the poster child of Technocracy, run by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats.

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Farmer Bill Continues To Gobble Up American Farm Land

Bill Gates has no benevolent bone in his body, so why is he loading up on American farmland? The manufactured food crisis has been in development for several years, giving him plenty of time to position himself for maximum return: When food prices skyrocket, as they are now, Gates will reap a windfall.

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Catherine Austin Fitts: Coup d’Etat Is A Takedown, Not A Turndown

The global Technocracy's Great Reset implies a scorched earth economic policy to essentially burn the existing economic system to the ground, which is exactly what is happening. The coming catastrophe is not accidental or unavoidable; rather, it is intentional at every level. Politicians who take orders from Technocrats will be the first to get thrown under the bus when the reset is complete.

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Metaverse: Virtual Children To Help Combat Overpopulation

For all the brainwashed young marrieds who willingly choose to forego having children, it's Metaverse to the rescue as they can now have virtual children to feed, change diapers. nurture, teach, play, etc. Get tired of your virtual child? Just click a button and delete it. The bifurcation of reality is beyond just dangerous, it is existential to civilization and the human race.

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Report: Working In The Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety

The Metaverse is headed for a huge fail as workers already experience nausea, intense eye strain and anxiety, revealing the physical, emotional and mental toll. If this is the effect on adults, just imagine the horrors it will inflict on youth. Humans are designed to live in a fake reality created by Transhuman dreamers.

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Silicon Valley’s Transhuman Philosophy Is Fundamentally Wrong

The Transhuman Holy Grail is to take over the human genome in order to create a super race of "Humans 2.0". The brain is not a computer and genes are not computer programs, but that hasn't stopped Elon Musk, for instance, in creating a brain-computer interface called Neuralink to become "super-human".

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Monkey Business: Monkeypox Or Moneypox?

When a football team discovers a good play, it will use it over and over until it is no longer effective. So it is with Big Pharma and the biomedical cartel. It is up to people, real medical doctors and professionals to tell them to shove it. Already, there are so many holes in the monkeypox argument that it is almost laughable.

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The Link Between Transhumanism And The Metaverse

Reality is already 3D and immersive, so why do we need a cheap imitation called the Metaverse? The answer lies in Transhumanism and its quest to escape mortal bounds to enter into immortality, omniscience and transcendence, all of which are possible in the Metaverse but not in real life. Parents: Keep your children away from the Metaverse.

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