June 2022

Mask Mandates Linked to Increased COVID Death Rates

Technocracy News & Trends published one of the very first warnings about the dangers of face masks on May 11, 2020. The author, Dr. Russell Blaylock, was ridiculed by the pseudo-scientific community and media. To see parental testimonies over damage done to children by forcing them to wear masks, see https://www.NoMasksForKids.com. 

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The Persistent History Of Population Control

Population control is merely part of resource management where people are just another inconsequential and unremarkable group competing for existence on the big blue marble. Thus, eliminating people saves other resources and makes more available to the remaining elitists who push for population control in the first place. Understanding this history is critical.

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Green Energy Climate Change Mania Is Crumbling

With the global energy crisis raging, more national leaders are discovering the root cause, namely, greenwashing radicals who have promoted disruptive alternative energy sources like wind and solar, at the expense of destroying existing sources of cheap energy such as coal, oil and natural gas. The trend is begrudgingly reversing as energy shortages threaten economic depression.

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Extinction Rebellion: Handmaiden Of Technocracy

This insightful article explains how deconstruction groups like Extinction Rebellion (XR) are used to enable Technocracy. The Summary: "XR is used to advance ideas that are the basis of a potential global reset to protect the environment, inaugurating technocracy. At which point, XR becomes disposable."

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Pfizer Document Reveals High Rate Of Vaccinated Pregnant Women Who Lost Their Babies

According to traditional medicine, vaccines were never given to pregnant women or even those who trying to conceive. mRNA vaccines were and still are not approved by the FDA and yet are being widely promoted to pregnant women in a complete flip-flop of successful medical practice. The real science no longer matters. Pseudo-science is calling the shots. 

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Technocracy’s ‘Science Of Social Engineering’

In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as the "Science of Social Engineering" and then proceeded to define the outcome as a resource-based economic system with all decisions made by Technocrats. Since their "science was settled", there was no need to political systems that have citizens some say concerning their lives. Today's environment is controlled by Technocrats.

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Big Brother Banks Force Employees To Install Surveillance Software

Technocrats surveil, snoop and hoover up data because they are internally compelled to do so, and there is no such thing as "too much data". Forced compliance is the goal. Movius software is a unified phone app that allows an employer to keep and analyze all employee communication activity with clients.

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Let Them Eat Bugs: Scientists Tell Africans How To Lick Climate Change

Africa already contains the poorest people on the planet with the least economic activity, but even they would be punished for their part in causing global warming. Scientists say they should eat bugs like flies and locusts and get rid of all those smelly cattle. Meanwhile, Africa's rich resources sit in the ground and its people stay locked in the poverty cycle.

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Chinese City Turns COVID-19 App Into Digital Handcuffs For Bank Protestors

Whatever tool of repression is close at hand will suffice for Technocrat purposes. In this case the COVID-19 tracking app is being weaponized to suppress protestors who are protesting to get their rightfully-owned bank deposits back. Thus far, depositors have been cut off from 39.8 billion Yuan ($5.91 billion).

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Limited Hangout: Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Bill Gates is famous for speaking out of both sides of his mouth on an issue to lead you to a false conclusion. No, Bill, your "vaccines" have not saved millions of lives. In fact, on a net basis, they have killed a lot more people than they could have possibly saved. We see right through you, Bill Gates.

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