June 2022

Wood, Mercola: It’s Crucial To Understand What We’re Up Against

My interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola is the most comprehensive coverage of the problems we face with Technocracy, Transhumanism and scientism. If you want to get up to speed in a few short hours, listen to both videos, read the article and download the transcript of the interview with Mercola.

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Whitehead: U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation, Weaponizing Everything

A certain marker of war is the presence and use of psychological warfare to confuse and dominate the enemy. It is unfortunate that we have been declared the enemy and rampant psychological warfare is leveled at us with every new barrage of propaganda. Technocracy defined itself as "the science of social engineering" as far back as 1938.

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Scientism, Not Science, Drives Technocracy And Transhumanism

Technocracy is to the structure of society and economy as Transhumanism is to the people who live there. The common ground between Technocracy and Transhumanism is Scientism, or the worship of science. Scientism replaces God and creates its own priesthood to administer its pseudo-science to society while crushing all opposing narratives.

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Trilateral Commission Tightens Grip Over U.S. Defense Department

Prominent Trilateral Commission member Eric Schmidt is leading the charge to dominate the U.S. Defense department and hence, the Pentagon and all military branches. The Trilateral Commission is the original architect of the "New International Economic Order", now known as the Great Reset.

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Meta Slapped With 8 Lawsuits Over Algorithms That Hook Youth And Ruin Their Lives

Facebook and Instagram have been hit with lawsuits claiming their programs are addictive, especially to young persons, and cause psychological and emotional harm that can last a lifetime. It's about time. The effects of continuous reinforcement on social media acts to trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, in similar fashion to hard drugs. 

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Bank for International Settlements Lowers The Boom On Cryptocurrencies

Fintech is the chosen financial system for Sustainable Development. Today's cryptocurrencies will be completely driven out of existence by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which collectively serve to "build trust in sovereign currencies." Technocrats will not allow the existence of things they cannot control, so unfortunately, crypto's days are numbered.

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Study: Unvaccinated Had Lower Hospitalizations, Lower Rates Of Severe Disease

This study shows further evidence that if the Big Pharma/medical cartel had just left the world alone, that the health of people around the world would have been a lot better off. Notably, the extreme discrimination and vilification of the unvaccinated caused significant mental health problems, however, exacerbating the the overall problem.

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WHO And WEF Elitists Coordinate The ‘Great Reset’

WEF in Davos kicks off with “The future is not just happening. The future is BUILT, by US. By a powerful community, as you here, in this room.”  The overinflated ego of Technocrats and Transhumans is beyond description, but if these madmen are not stopped, the world as we know it is over. 

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Warning: Bush’s North American Union Is Back From The Dead

From 2005-2009, this editor fought tooth and nail to derail George Bush's Security and Prosperity Partnership that sought to merge Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a unified region like the EU. We succeeded and the whole initiative was officially dropped in August 2009. Well, it's back but coming from Mexico this time. Buckle up.

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Oil Billionaire: ‘Somebody’s On Path To Destruct America’

Finally, a billionaire gets the big picture that "Somebody's on the path to destruct America". The mother of all economic destructions is taking place because energy is intentionally being withdrawn from the economy. All economic activity is directly proportional to the amount of available energy. This is the scorched-earth policy of the WEF's Great Reset at work.

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