July 13, 2022

Poison The Earth: Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found In 80% Of US Urine Samples

Roundup exists because Monsanto pursued genetic modification of crop seeds able to survive the chemical while killing weeds. The world food supply, as well as farm land, has been saturated with glyphosate to the extent that traces of it are being found everywhere, including human tissue and urine. Technocrat scientists have no moral or ethical boundaries to prevent these kinds of outcomes.

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Nokia, LG Partner On 6G To Light Up The Internet Of Everything

The CEO of Deutsche Telekom, Tim Hottages, states "Everything that can be connected will be connected." The Technocrat rationalization for connecting everything is to create an immense data collection enterprise that will be able to control everything on earth. This is not an exaggeration. It is a long-standing goal of Technocracy dating back to the early 1930s!

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Dutch Farmers Combat The Global War On Food

Nitrogen is inert and not a "greenhouse gas", but it is absolutely necessary for plant growth. There is 4 times as much nitrogen in our atmosphere as oxygen because it does not bind well with the solid earth. Thus, farmers use nitrogen fertilizer to inject it into the ground. The only conceivable reason to withhold nitrogen from farmers is to intentionally destroy the food supply.

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