July 2022

AOC’s Green New Deal Soul Mate, Sen. Ed Markey, Calls For Ban On Drilling And Declaration Of Climate Emergency

Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) originally rolled out the "Green New Deal" with Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in February 2019 that would "create millions of good, high-wage jobs in the United States, provide unprecedented levels of prosperity and economic security for Americans, and counteract systemic injustices – all while addressing the existential challenge of climate change." Even as we sink into the economic abyss, Markey is calling for total stoppage of drilling in the U.S.

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DNA Can Be Engineered To Kill Individuals, Families Or Entire Ethnicities

DNA has been quietly and yet aggressively collected by the major super powers, but much of that is already in private hands to sell to the highest bidder. Genetic engineering is firmly entrenched in militaries and could be used as the ultimate stealth weapons to conquer entire continents. Wipe out classes of food? Kill all caucasians, blacks or orientals? Left-handed, green-eyed short men of European descent? No problem.

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Eric Schmidt: AI Is As Powerful As Nukes

Eric Schmidt is a top global technocrat and heir apparent of Henry Kissinger, both members of the elitist Trilateral Commission that is the headwaters of modern Technocracy. To compare AI to nuclear bombs is a misnomer because nuclear bombs actually destroy matter while AI is still struggling to drive a car in a straight line. Is Schmidt signaling that AI will become a weapon of mass destruction?

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mRNA Shots Are Causing Major Fertility Problems With Both Men And Women

Conventional war is hell and Technocracy's bio-war is worse. Nobody can argue that the existential damage being done to humanity is just an accident or an unintended consequence: It screams depopulation plus crippling all resistance to being forced into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. World citizens must resist, first by not taking any more Big Pharma COVID shots and secondly, by restoring your health if you have taken a shot.

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Pandemic Treachery: The Intelligence Agent Who Shut Down America

Matt Pottinger, Deputy National Security Advisor in the Trump Administration, may go down in history as a modern-day Alger Hiss. Hiss was high-ranking State Department official ultimately convicted of being a Communist spy. He is also credited with the idea of creating the World Health Organization in 1948. This article shows that Pottinger was a conduit for lockdown policies that came straight out of China.

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Novavax Injections Includes Insect, Baculovirus Proteins Plus DNA

There is nothing "conventional" about the Novavax injections. Dr. Nass notes, "This vaccine is another 'bait and switch' being rolled out solely to entice the unvaccinated, because it is not made of mRNA." Novavax hopes to do an end-run around mRNA vaccine fears and offer something more retro. Don't be fooled.

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Alex Newman: How UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Driving Farming Restrictions

The war on food is part of the larger war to conquer the world. It is now patently obvious that it is an intentional attack. UN Technocrats use fear to drive the world to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. TN identified the intensification of Technocracy's war in 2015 and has been documenting it ever since.

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Blackstone Amasses $50 Billion To Buy Homes During Coming Housing Crash

Blackstone already owns almost $300 billion in real estate and will pour in another $50 billion during the next real estate crash, turning swaths of neighborhoods into giant rental communities. Expect rental prices to soar as wealth is drained from the middle class. The goal of Technocracy is to place all physical assets into the hands of a few super-elitists, creating a neo-feudalist world.

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Study: Pfizer Lied, mRNA Shot Can Change Your DNA After All

The biomedical cartel continues to peddle the narrative that mRNA shots stay local where injected, do not spread to other parts of your body and do not affect your DNA. In fact, definitive studies now reveal that the shots take as few as six hours to reach your liver where reverse transcription takes place to modify your DNA. Were Big Pharma scientists so stupid to not realize this would happen or was it intentional to begin the DNA  transformation of humanity?

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Automated Killing Machine: Robot Dog Fitted With Machine Gun

Technocrats build because they can, not because there is any good moral or ethical reason to do so. We have repeatedly warned against militarized robots able to use advanced AI, biometric identification and deadly armaments. Now, Technocrats have the ability to fully automate the killing of humans and the destruction of property.

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