July 2022

Pope Francis: ‘Humanity Must Repent For Abuse Of Mother Earth’

The major denominational churches of the world have been coopted and subsumed by Technocracy to actively promote it to their congregations. Pope Francis has turned to worshipping Gaia, the primordial earth goddess in Greek mythology, leaving the trappings of Christianity far behind.

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Food Wars: ‘The Dark Cult Of Davos Is Trying To Destroy These Farmers’

If Tiananmen Square was a global wake up call on ruthless totalitarianism, then Dutch Farmers are trying to wake up the world on the war against humanity perpetrated by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, etc. Collectively, the world is facing another Holodomor event where tens of millions could die from starvation.

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The Growing Hubris Of Pandemic And The Great Panic Of 2020

Experimental mRNA injections promoted to a global citizenry has common goals with the Transhuman movement to genetically modify humanity and the military to create bioweapons. Both are interested in population reduction. Both are deep rabbit holes. Both spark horrific reactions from people when they discover the existence and implications of these programs.

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UN 2030 Agenda’s Lust For Control Is Behind Global Energy Shortages

This article exemplifies the outcome of the UN's war on energy, and Europe is going to experience the full effect of it with a cold winter, high energy prices and restricted food intake. There is NO shortage of energy anywhere on earth. All shortages are driven by the disingenuous policies of 2030 Agenda and sustainable development, aka Technocracy. Technocracy's war on humanity is intensifying but is still not recognized by the vast majority of citizens who are affected by it.

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Dutch Farmers Rebel: UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Behind Draconian AG Shutdown

The war on food in the Netherlands is spawned by the UN's 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Controlling food, controls populations. Taking away fertilizer controls food. Dutch farmers recognize this and are fighting back; we need to support this important part of the resistance in every way possible. Famines kill.

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Pixelated: The (Continuous) Great Harvest Of Your Medical Records

The CDC states, "The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge." That's over. Your data is NOT protected nor is it private. Don't sign another HIPAA agreement by any healthcare provider.

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NYU School Of Law: Digital ID Is ‘Paving A Digital Road To Hell’

Technocracy demands identification of every citizen; always has, always will. Technocracy Study Course (1934) requirements 4, 5, 6 are, “Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption.”, “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used.”, “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”

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Cracks Appear At NIH, FDA, CDC As Scientists, Doctors Regret “Bad Science”

Many of those who trusted their careers to government service find that they are trapped in a dystopian system that pays no attention to the real science and data it produces. They have nowhere else to go but they are quitting anyway. One FDA official said, “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don't like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”

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Neom: Saudi Arabia To Build The World’s Largest Smart City In History

China constructed its infamous technocrat-inspired "ghost cities" designed to house tens of millions but rather stand empty today. Saudi Arabia is building a technocrat-inspired smart city that is 33 times larger than New York that will make Dubai look like an outpost. Both examples are completely unplugged from reality. Technocrats build because they can, not because there is any good reason to do so.

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The Folly Of Scientism As Pseudoscientific Theories Masquerade As Science

Both Technocracy and Transhumanism are products of Scientism; both promote pseudoscience as real science and then demand that we follow the fake science. Scientism is a deep philosophical religious proposition that itself masquerades as a non-religion, so it is often obscured in the havoc it causes. In 1944, C.S. Lewis reasoned that Scientism would eventually result in the Abolition of Man.

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