July 2022

‘CRISPR 2.0’ Used To Change Patient’s DNA For First Time

Transhuman scientists are very clear about hijacking evolution and taking things into their own hands to create humanity 2.0. The first sentence below echoes the the thoughts of former Chief Medical Officer of mRNA Vax maker Moderna: "We are actually hacking the software of life. We think about it as an operating system."

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War On Carbon: California Cities Ban New Gas Stations To Fight Climate Change

Political insanity succumbs to radical environmental Technocrats who are on the express train to destroy "fossil" fuels in favor of alternative energy sources that can never suffice to fuel a modern society and economic system. The only solution offered, of course, is Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Mercola: How Face Masks Make You Sick Instead Of Protecting You

America has been repeatedly warned about the dangers associated with the wearing of face masks. Medical professionals who should know better and politicians exercising their tyrannical tendencies continue to push mandates for entire populations. Aside from health risks, masks are an egregious violation of free speech and the First Amendment.

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ESG: The Big Lie Of Woke Capitalism

ESG is a step-child of "stakeholder capitalism" where unrelated, self-declared stakeholders get a seat at your table to tell you what you may or may not do. ESG is a thinly-veiled, disingenuous  attempt to get control of companies and individuals. Who made this garbage up? Look no further than the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. ESG is intellectually bankrupt and morally corrupt.

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WEF Declares That The Color Of Democracy Is… Green?

This thinly-veiled screed of propaganda protests that the reason "green energy" programs are failing is because the price of traditional energy is too low. Further, if we don't fix this price disparity, we are not "protecting democracy." Thus, driving up energy prices protects democracy. This insane reasoning is the bedrock ideology of the Great Reset, Green New Deal and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Play It Again, Sam: Los Angeles County Slaps Children With Mask Mandate

Despite a clear body of evidence that masks do not stop the spread of any virus; despite a massive body of evidence that shows harm to children who are physically and socially traumatized being forced to wear face masks; despite a massive lack of public support - Los Angeles Technocrat puppets re-launch into outright tyranny by imposing mask mandates on school children.

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Totalitarian: Big Tech Shows Its True Colors

Collectively, Big Tech is thoroughly anti-democratic, anti-nation-state, and pro-authoritarian. Don't be fooled by accusations of being woke, communist or socialist: Technocracy seeks direct control over every human, every animal, every system and every resource on the planet. If not rejected, it will establish an unbreakable scientific dictatorship.

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Judge Strikes Down Los Angeles School Vaccine Mandate

Vaccine mandates are increasingly being demonstrated as illegal and unconstitutional. Technocrats that established mandates in the first place had no regard for the law, the Constitution or human rights. Now judges are asserting their role to protect citizens from abuses.

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Bio-Security State: Big Pharma’s Complete Takeover OF FDA

It is inconceivable on any level that thorough testing would not be required for life-altering drugs such as experimental mRNA injections, but Big Pharma's influence over the FDA has accomplished just that, giving eugenicists full and autonomous control over human health and genome. Thus, humans are the last frontier to be conquered in the quest for total resource management, aka Technocracy.

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America Last: US Emergency Oil Reserves Sent Abroad, Including To China

The Great Reset is being accelerated by destroying flows of energy to the global economy. That US energy reserves could be sent overseas proves, despite our own domestic emergency, the point is made of who is in charge of our domestic policy, namely, global elitist Technocrats who are intent on destroying national entities.

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