August 2022

U.S. Technocrats Give Revolutionary Battery Designs To China’s Technocrats

Professor Antony Sutton was famous for his work on the transfer of technology from the West to the Eastin the 1960s and 1970s. Nothing has changed. Technocrat birds of a feather, stick together. There is no ethical or moral dilemma for Technocrats giving our best inventions to China because it is already a Technocracy.

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Dr. Mercola: Patrick Wood On The Pressing Dangers Of Technocracy

With one political outrage after another, Technocrats are slipping by with their unending agenda to create a scientific dictatorship and make politics irrelevant. We are at war with these Technocrats and yet have not begun to fight: Why? Because the enemy, operating in stealth mode, has not yet been recognized. Subscribe to my new serialized book as it is being penned, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism at

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Creators Of ESG Complain That Behavior Isn’t Changing Fast Enough

This offers a little insight to the genesis and history of ESG ideology to kill coal, oil and natural gas through behavior modification. As Technocracy was primarily defined in the 1930s as the "science of social engineering", ESG is a potent weapon but it is failing to live up to its original promises. Nevertheless, it will continue to create societal chaos until it is totally rejected by society.

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Nordangård: UN’s Digital World Brain Seeks To Track Everything And Everyone

As TN has warned for 12 years now that the United Nations is gunning for total control of the Internet, seeking to morph it into a digital brain that can control every thing and every one on the earth. The aim is total social control and behavior modification to suit Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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The Power Of Where: The UN’s Rapidly Expanding GEOINT Infrastructure

Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) was defined in 2005 by James R. Clapper (Lt. Gen., USAF, Ret) as encompassing "all aspects of imagery and geospatial information and services. It includes, but is not limited to the analysis of literal imagery; geospatial data; and information technically derived from the processing, exploitation, literal, and non-literal analysis of spectral, spatial, and temporal fused products."

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Cancer Explosion: Pathologist Reports On Rise Of Aggressive Cancers Since mRNA Shots

Doctors for Covid Ethics in Europe highlighted the professional observations of Dr. Ute Kruger, Chief of Pathology at Lunds University in Sweden: Cancer went haywire when the mRNA shots began. The health of the world population is being severely compromised by mRNA/DNA injections and yet they are not stopped, underscoring TN's claim that Technocracy is at war with humanity.

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Zero Carbon Smart Grid: Spain Bans Air Conditioning Below 80 Degrees

Technocracy's control over energy is made possible by creating an artificial energy crisis and then using Smart Grid technology to control people and behavior. TN has warned about this for several years and yet almost everyone yawned and looked away. Now Spaniards, Italians, Germans, etc, are groaning, if not screaming, under the draconian energy lockdowns.

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Climate Cult Hammers Europe During Energy Crisis

There are three sides to the climate narrative: First, the loonies that run around as if crazy, screaming the sky is falling. Second, the government vice-grip that implements crushing policies. Third, the global elitists who plan and orchestrate the whole program. Reject them all and get a good night's sleep.

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Genetic Scientists Create World’s First ‘Synthetic Embryos’

Forget eggs, sperm, fertilization and sex for procreation. This is straight out of Huxley's Brave New World, written in 1932 and looking into the face of Technocracy. Pregnancy was forbidden as genetically engineered babies were created in test tubes and "birthed" in incubators. Forget eggs, sperm and fertilization.

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The Culling Of Humanity Is Set To Accelerate; Doctors And Politicians Remain Silent

Ignorant fact checkers, essentially professional trolls, deny that there is any plan for depopulation of civilization, but the facts and words state otherwise. We are experiencing a mass genocide event right before our eyes, prosecuted by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats scattered around the world.

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