August 2022

Military Creates Its Own Metaverse, Seeks Digital Twin Of Earth

A digital twin is a digital representation of a real-world entity or system. The civilian metaverse will not require exact representation of the real world, but the military will. Thus, battles can be fought in the military metaverse with total precision and acclimation. Ultimately, the military is seeking a complete digital twin of the entire planet.

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Germany Hits Wall Of Reality, Reconnects First Coal Power Plant To Energy Grid

Germany drank the green Kool-Aid as they shut down traditional sources of energy, while fantasizing that windmills and solar panels could sustain their society. Now faced with massive energy shortages and the prospects of a very cold winter coming up, they are reconnecting a coal-fired power plant to the energy grid. Greens are up in arms and would apparently rather freeze to death.

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The BIS Is Orchestrating The Big Switch To Digital Currency

Technocracy and Communism have been enemies since the early 1900s, so it is a misnomer to call today's global transmogrification technocommunism. I addressed the distinctives between Communism and Technocracy in Day 4 of my series, The Twelve Days Of Technocracy: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, Fascism.

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Thomas Paine: ‘These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls’

There may be a time in the near future when global elitists get the shock of their lives, namely, that those who have been "going along" with their crackpot schemes just stop going along. The force of global society will prove to be too much to overcome and the whole globalist citadel will come tumbling down. The problem is, how much hubris will be created in the meantime.

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Catherine Austin Fitts: We Are At War With The Deep State

As the world increasingly wakes up to the war against humanity, people will turn the Great Reset into the Great Resist. As with any war, there are already casualties and destruction of property, but that is the price of liberty for those who remain afterwards. Technocracy cannot stand on its own, but it can cause a lot of havoc in the meantime.

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Corbett: Technocracy Is Insane, Anti-Human And It WILL Fail

James Corbett is exactly right and for the right reasons: Technocracy is a pipe dream. As gravity is a law that cannot be ignored, things fall to the ground whether they wish to or not, so will Technocracy fall back to the law of reality in due time. In the meantime, Technocrats and Transhumans can do a lot of damage to humanity and civilization. For those who see the train wreck coming, #WalkAwayFromTechnocracy.

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Hohmann: Saudi Arabia Slouching Toward Technocracy

The entire world is racing toward Technocracy, including the major religions. The Catholic church is already steeped in green ideology and sustainable development from the Pope down. China is already a Technocracy. It is not surprising that the Islamic world is following hard behind with plans to build the first fully-automated and controlled super-city in the middle of the desert. It is yet unclear if anyone will want to actually live there.

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Mercola: Monkeypox Declared A Public Health Emergency

The details of skulduggery with Big Pharma, the corrupt World Health Organization and various secret research labs will be debated for a long time. The real concern should be that creating synthetic viruses in a lab is tantamount to creating the atomic bomb. When a deadly virus can be modeled on a computer screen and then turned into the actual pathogen, all that remains to ask is how soon will the military get ahold of it and how soon will they use it?

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Humanity 2.0: ‘The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities’

Technocrats invent because they can, not because they have a mandate to do so. Transhumans are racing to create Humanity 2.0 by mastering the human genome and hence, the functional operation of humans. Thus, meddling with the human immune system with mRNA injections is merely a warm up to what is coming down the line.

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