September 2022

WEF: Lessons Learned In COVID Lockdowns Will Be Applied To Carbon

Technocrats who engineered the COVID panic of 2020 took copious notes to discover how the same public manipulation might work for global warming and the war on carbon. Technocracy was originally defined as the "Science of Social Engineering", and they have lived up to it ever since. Brainwashing under any other name is still brainwashing.

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Elitists Are Building Megalopolis, Where Plebs Will Eat Insects

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is anti-human and anti-civilization, but only a minuscule of people understand just how dangerous and pervasive this agenda really is. Yes, cricket protein powder has already been commercialized and will be increasingly seen in grocery store products.

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Declaration Of International Medical Crisis Due To Death And Diseases Co-Related To ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’

Thus far, over 10,000 signatures of medical professionals have been collected to declare an international medical crisis over the deleterious effects of mRNA-based "vaccine" injections. Doctors are scrambling to develop successful protocols to treat vaccine injuries but international cooperation is seen as necessary to do so. Meanwhile, deaths pile up and the shots go on.

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WaPo: Customs officials Have Copied Americans’ Phone Data At Massive Scale

The entire content of your smartphone can be "extracted" in under two minutes, with or without your permission or awareness,  by sophisticated mobile forensics devices. Many law enforcement agencies are using these devices as government databases are expanded. Technocrats lust for data and the concept of too much data is an oxymoron.

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Whitehead: It Is Duty To Resist Tyranny And Unconstitutional Government

The Bill of Rights is being effectively overturned from top to bottom by a government gone rogue against its own nation. It is Technocracy's goal to destroy government completely, leaving them in total control. Both Democrats and Republicans have been thoroughly coopted by Technocrats.

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Unexpected Death Rate Rising Across Europe

When scientists and statisticians say that they "cannot ascribe a reason" for skyrocketing death rates, they ignore the elephant in the room and say "we refuse to ascribe a reason". All of this could be stopped in a myocardial minute with the worldwide cessation of mRNA injections.

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FBI And Facebook Colluded To Spy On Americans Who Questioned 2020 Election Results

The Biden administration has virtually suspended the First Amendment by colluding with media giants to spy on Americans who are considered political enemies. This is a continuation of other discoveries of multiple government agencies and officials working with Facebook and other platforms to censor speech.

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Biden Uses Executive Order To Institutionalize Eugenics, Transhumanism

Biden's National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative is a complete capitulation of our government to Big Pharma, the biotechnology industry and the entire transhuman cabal that wants to create Humanity 2.0 by changing our genetic structure. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than a continuation and expansion of the eugenics movement from the 1930s.

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Germany Mulls Full Nationalization Of Largest Utility Company Uniper

Germany's largest utility and importer of natural gas, Uniper, is hemorrhaging cash at a catastrophic rate, even after a $15 billion bailout package in July. Once nationalized, Uniper and other energy companies will drag Germany into bankruptcy. This is all due to foolish alternative energy policies over the last 20 years.

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US Life Expectancy Falls In ‘Historic” Decline

War always produces dead bodies, and yet the Technocrat/Transhuman war on the entire world is not yet acknowledged or understood. The aftermath of the most lethal drug in history is still wreaking havoc and the long-term effects are still ahead of us. Instead of stopping mRNA injections, Biden's EO just handed us over to the biotech drug cartel.

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