October 24, 2022

The Big Lie: Pfizer Scandal Blown Wide Open, Never Even Tested mRNA Shots For Transmission Of Virus

The destruction of the world was based on the biggest 100% falsehood in the history of medicine: Pfizer NEVER tested mRNA shot for blocking transmission of COVID-19 before it got EUA from the FDA. Billions were forced to take mRNA shots based on this lie. Millions are permanently vaxx injured or worse, dead. Contact tracing, vaccine passports, the Great Reset: all unnecessary and based on a lie.

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Thanks, Fauci: Test Scores Show Historic COVID Setbacks For Children Across All States

Schools were shut down and students forced into distance learning while staying home, even though they had a minuscule risk of contracting COVID in the first place. As a result, many youth committed suicide and were treated for mental disorders, depression and anxiety. All of this was done under the mantra, "We have to keep the children safe."

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‘Elon, The Everywhere’ Becomes A Threat To Political Structure

As a classic Technocrat, Elon Musk has no use for representative government, and the threat is starting to be felt in Washington. Musk believes he is always the genius in the room and that when you are always right, what is there to discuss? In the 1930s, Technocrats wanted to completely remove the political structure of America and appoint people like Musk to run everything.

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