October 2022

Chemtrails: White House Openly Exploring Ways To Cool Earth By Reflecting Back Sunlight

Chemtrails have been present in American skies for at least 15 years but anyone who complained about them was immediately branded a conspiracy theorist, then shamed, cancelled and censored. Now, with enough data collected, the Biden Administration has openly declared its open intention to reflect sunlight back into space.

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Risk On: The Dramatic Rise Of Genetically Modified Food

Technocratic tinkering with life is risky to human life and well- being. While skating by the Department of Agriculture as "substantially equivalent" foods, genetically engineered products are permanently tainting our food supply. The biggest risk is to the human biome and the immune system. Each year large numbers of food items are added to the GMO shelf in supermarkets.

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80 Anti-Vaccine Bills Have Been Introduced In State Legislatures

A wall of legislation is working its way through state legislatures to limit mRNA experimental injections being presented as vaccines. Technocrats at vax makers are trying to re-dominate the narrative to maximize shots for the coming winter. The public isn't buying it because it is waking up to the reality of damage being inflicted.

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In China, It’s “You Spy, I Spy, We All Spy For Xi Spy”

Xi Jinping is a Technocrat who has mastered Technocracy's prime goal of the "science of social engineering". China now has 370 networked cameras per 1,000 citizens, meaning that no one can escape daily surveillance and immediate retribution if you make an "unapproved" move. This is the reality of scientific dictatorship and it is spreading to the whole world.

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Court Orders CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America

America was warned by top medical professionals, scientists and even TN that these shots were harming millions of people in America and around the world. The truth will now come out and all who took mRNA shots must strive to rebuild their immune system and detox their bodies. The long-term effects will take a huge toll.

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Humans as Bioreactors: How DARPA pioneered the idea behind mRNA vaccines

DARPA is the Technocrat/Transhumanist dark arm of the military/biodefense industry. mRNA "vaccines" were initially considered for military use against biowarfare, but Moderna was used to test the concept on the entire global population. The results have been disastrous but leaders refuse to stop the injections. The cozy relationship between DARPA and Moderna needs to be blown wide open.

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WEF Strategy: Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, New Champions

The World Economic Forum is creating a tsunami of activists and operatives who are brainwashed with the dogma of  Transhumanism and Technocracy, and preaching the gospel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They march to the lyrics of Schwab's book, The Great Narrative. This is the largest and most widespread delusion in history.

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Pfizer Exec Admits: They Did Not Know That Shots Would Stop Transmission

IT WAS ALL A LIE! Credible scientists knew full well that Pfizer did not test their mRNA "vaccine" for efficacy in stopping transmission or preventing infection. Now a Pfizer executive was put under oath in Europe and flatly admitted there was no testing prior to release. It was a crapshoot at best and crimes against humanity at worst.

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Ratman: Human Brain Cells Grown In Rats

Technocrats invent because they can, not because they have a mandate to do so. Mixing and matching genes and cells from different species is the end result of synthetic biology with no ethical or moral restraints. Worse, most of these scientists are paid with taxpayer money to keep their labs spewing out frankenspecies.

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Police Use DNA To Create Image Of Unknown Suspect

Images generated from DNA is as useless as a Ouija board to identify a suspect, yet Technocrats are drawn to playing with data as cats are drawn to catnip. Public pushback was immediate. No American city should allow this kind of operation in their local police departments.

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