John Kerry Commits Biden Admin To WEF’s ‘Great Reset’

The Great Reset seeks to plunge the world into Technocracy while destroying capitalism and free market economic practices. It is way beyond being merely transformative; rather, it is revolutionary and will result in neo-Feudalism that returns the world to the Dark Ages.

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Italy’s Meloni Says Technocrats May Join New Government

Italy's Conservative PM Georgia Meloni will likely turn to Technocrats to fill key Cabinet posts. She was swept in on a populist campaign but is shifting to Technopopulism, a dangerous blend of populism and Technocracy. TN has warned about Technopopulism for several years.

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Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Struggles For Relevancy

As a classic example of a Technocrat mind, Mark Zuckerberg pictures himself as being personally responsible for bringing billions of people to Facebook. His switch to Metaverse is rapidly deflating his ego as his groupies reject his shoddy and ill-conceived alternate reality.

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Big Wind, Big Fail In Hawaii’s Lanai Paradise

The power of just saying "No!" is powerful and effective, but only if it is said. Do not comply, do not submit, do not "go along to get along". Citizens in local communities have tremendous power over their future if they would just stand up and get involved. Complaining after the fact doesn't cut it.

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EVs Exploding In Florida After Water Damage

Technocrats pledge to put everyone in an electric vehicle by 2030 or 2035. What insanity would promote exploding cars full of toxic and unstable metals like lithium? Alternative energy and turning everything to electricity is the biggest Technocracy scam of the century.

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Moderna, Pfizer Seek EUA Booster Authorization For Children

Moderna and Pfizer are again seeking Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA on "vaccines" for young children who are not at risk for COVID in the first place. Trial data are already deemed worthless, meaning that the children are being used as guinea pigs. Thus extends the crimes against humanity.

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Everybody Asks: Who Is Really Controlling Joe Biden?

Since the Carter Administration in the 1970s, members of the Trilateral Commission have dominated every president since, both Democrat and Republican, to establish their self-proclaimed goal of  a New International Economic Order. For all who think the Commission is over-the-hill, you need to get a grip on what is actually happening. Here are the top ten Trilaterals controlling Biden. 

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Training AI: Fake Data Is Cheaper Than Real Data

Technocrats have always been addicted to data, but now there is not enough real-world data to satisfy the lust for more. The answer? Create fake data that is "synthesized" by other AI programs to be fed into other prime AI algorithms that are being "trained" for certain outcomes. So, is fake data really better than real data? You decide.

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When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition

As the blade cuts in both directions, so does Free Speech and the First Amendment. It is there for all sides of the political spectrum to ensure a free market of ideas where people can make up their own minds instead of being forced or deceived into a certain mold. Tyranny always fills the vacuum left by the absence of Free Speech.

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Renewable Energy Fails Sweden, Braces For Winter Of Power Cuts

Note that when the wind doesn't blow, windmills don't spin, energy is not delivered and the lights go off. Every nation that has bought the alternative energy scam, proffered by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats, will pay a steep price short-term and will eventually return to traditional and nuclear energy sources.

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