Spawn Of DARPA: ARPA-H Is Fast Track To Digital Dictatorship

Biden intends to appoint Dr. Reenee Wegrzyn, a former scientist with DARPA, as the inaugural director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). Her specialties are synthetic biology, genetic engineering and data collection through biosurveillance. ARPA-H will be a swarming hive for Transhumanist scientists and projects.

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Hohmann: Is Transhumanism The New One-World Religion?

Transhumanism, like Technocracy, sits on top of Scientism, or the worship of science. In parallel manner, both Catholicism and Protestantism are based on Christianity. There are significant differences, but the common root is easily recognized. Biden has now institutionalized Transhumanism in America, creating a state religion to whom all others will now answer.

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Biden Extends George Bush’s 9/11 ‘National Emergency’ After Creation Of DOJ Task Force To Combat Domestic Terrorism

The pivot comes full circle as domestic terrorists replace Islamic Jihadists. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that supports this strategy has no less than 6 members of the Trilateral Commission on its Board of Directors, including Henry Kissinger and Leon Panetta. The Trilateral Commission is the headwaters of modern globalization, aka Technocracy.

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Flashback: Transhumanism Is The New Religion For Postmodern Times

Biden's National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative pivots the entire government to support, advance, and embed Transhumanism in America. If Transhumanism is a religion, then Biden has just instituted a state religion, which is in direct violation of the First Amendment. Read this article word for word.

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Whole-Of-Government EO Begins: FDA Embraces Transhumanist Narrative On Latest COVID Shots

Biden's National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative Executive Order directs all agencies to promote transhumanism. The FDA wasted no time. Future genetic modification drugs will bypass testing to go directly to public consumption. This current campaign to "recharge your immunity" is grooming the public to ignore adverse advents.

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Elon Musk: Here Comes ‘Optimus’

Musk the Technocrat has disrupted the world of autos, space travel, communication (Starlink) and now robotics. Has the age of humanoid robots arrived? Will they better or worsen the human condition or life on earth? One thing is certain: they will potentially displace millions of workers in the future.

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EV Folly In North Leads To Ecological Pillaging In South

It's the same old story of rape, pillage and plunder of the land and resources of the Southern Hemisphere while the Northern Hemisphere dances with fairies and butterflies over electric vehicles and the elimination of carbon. This exact development outcome was warned about after the UNEP/Agenda 21 conference in 1992, noting that nothing had changed.

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United Nations 2.0: A Whole-Of-World Technocracy

The United Nations is getting an upgrade to prepare itself for the post-Great Reset era. The WEF and UN are all but physically merged into a giant public-private partnership to transform the world through "Innovation, Data, Strategic foresight, Results orientation, and Behavioural science."  Remember that Technocracy was defined as the "Science of Social Engineering" as far back as 1937.

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WEF: Lessons Learned In COVID Lockdowns Will Be Applied To Carbon

Technocrats who engineered the COVID panic of 2020 took copious notes to discover how the same public manipulation might work for global warming and the war on carbon. Technocracy was originally defined as the "Science of Social Engineering", and they have lived up to it ever since. Brainwashing under any other name is still brainwashing.

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Elitists Are Building Megalopolis, Where Plebs Will Eat Insects

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is anti-human and anti-civilization, but only a minuscule of people understand just how dangerous and pervasive this agenda really is. Yes, cricket protein powder has already been commercialized and will be increasingly seen in grocery store products.

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