World Economic Forum Promotes Smart City Governance

The WEF's Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance is the largest global initiative that represents over 200,000 cities, local governments, research institutions, non-profit organizations and corporations. The Alliance collectively is promoting Technocracy on a global scale.

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Legal Bombshell: $10 Million Legal Settlement To Healthcare Workers Who Were Forced To Take mRNA Jab

It's not exactly a windfall for the plaintiffs, but it opens hunting season for all organizations who forced employees or students to take experimental mRNA injections. Once lawyers smell the money, there will be a tsunami of lawsuits to break authoritarian perpetrators.

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Andrew Yang Promotes Technocracy With New Political Party

Governance and government are not engineering problems looking for a technical fix, but Yang and friends are promoting the Forward Party to promote Technocracy. Yang has also been a vocal advocate for Universal Basic Income (UBI) that was an original Technocracy plank. The odds of the party getting anywhere are slim, but they will plant their Technocrat ideas in many new places.

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WEF: The Future Of Work Is In The Metaverse

"Decentralized autonomous organizations" (DAOs) operating as business entities in the metaverse represent a completely new type of business structure that will look more like cooperatives and less than corporations. Larger companies are already stampeding to the metaverse to establish brands, stores, cooperatives and even social entities.

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UK Official Stats: 1 In Every 482 People Died After mRNA Injection

Across every age group, the vaccinated are significantly more likely to die than the unvaccinated. This is a worldwide phenomenon of epic proportions and could turn out to be the largest genocide in world history. And even in the face of these facts, the injections are not stopped.

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Why Would Elon Musk Praise China On Internet Censorship?

Elon musk parrots the original Technocracy doctrine, "we will create an era of extreme abundance of goods and services, where everyone can live a life of abundance." He gravitates to China because China is a Technocracy. Birds of a feather, flock together.

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United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Technocrat Takeover

"There’s clear coordination, globally, of censorship. With few exceptions, countries have taken action to criminalize free speech, and they have done so in lockstep with each other. It began in earnest with censorship of theories about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and grew from there to include anything COVID related."

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Russian Arms Fair: Robot Dog Equipped With RPG Launcher

The robotic arms race is in full swing. This robotic dog is equipped with an RPG launcher and is "dressed" like a Ninja. This follows models equipped with high-powered rifles and machine guns. Since Russia and China are producing weaponized robots, there is no reason the think the US isn't doing the same things.

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WEF Calls For AI To Censor ‘Hate Speech’ And ‘Misinformation’

The WEF was the original standard narrative against which all censorship was measured. Now it is calling for preemptive censorship to head off "hate speech" and "misinformation'' before it is actually published. That means it must essentially monitor every keystroke before the "submit" button is pressed. This would be the disillusion of free speech

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