Moderna Dumps 30 Million Vaxx Doses Because ‘Nobody Wants Them’

How should we spin this story? The hard reality of their overstatement of "vaccine" demand is staring them in the face. Big Pharma lives in its own self-approved version of Alice in Wonderland as the rest of the world tells them where to stick their injections. What is really needed is a second Nuremberg trial to get these scoundrels off the street.

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Pay With Face: Mastercard Rolls Out Global Biometric Payment System

The promise of of convenience and security are overshadowed by the massive hoovering up of personal biometric data along with all financial transactions. In short, Mastercard has entered the age of Surveillance Capitalism where it will sell its surplus data to the highest bidders.

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Report: FBI Spied On 3.3 Million Americans Without A Warrant

The FBI spits in the face of Congress by willfully and knowingly ignoring violating clearly documented laws. Furthermore, use of the FBI to conduct such searches has increased by 250% under the Biden Administration. To say that the FBI has been weaponized against the American is an understatement.

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Smart Meter Maker Itron, Microsoft Partner To Expand Smart City Efforts

Obama originally kickstarted Smart Meters with assurances that the collected data was only for use at your local utility. This was bunk and I wrote extensively to reveal the whole plan; now this plan is in full view. Everything about the inside of your house will be known and published to the cloud, available for everyone to see, including so-called "stakeholders".

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Alibaba Pushes ‘Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker’ at Davos

The gamification of green is a product of China's Alibaba, which is bound by China to turn over its data on consumers in order to factor it into its Social Credit Scoring system. If you are not sufficiently green, you will be punished for your transgressions. This app will never apply to the Davos elitists however, who collectively have the highest carbon footprint of any group in the world.

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Hiding in Plain Sight: Technocratic Tyranny Behind a Medical Mask

A new journal called Propaganda in Focus has just been launched and carried this must-read article on Technocratic Tyranny. This paper examines the creation, construction and role of propaganda during the pandemic: "technocracy will lure us, from the safety of the blind spots in our stress and trauma and fear, ever closer to the precipice. "

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Bill Gates Lays Out Technocrat Plan For Global Takeover

Megalomaniac Bill Gates is parroting and reinforcing the latest NTI simulation that is driving the Monkeypox mania: Shut down early, shut down often, shut down just in case; shut down with "no regrets". This is in direct contradiction to studies proving that lockdowns, masks, social distancing or closing schools does nothing to curtail a virus.

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Global Energy Grid Puts One Billion At Risk For Blackouts

Control over energy is a key goal of Technocracy. The first two requirements for implementing Technocracy were contained in the Technocracy Study Course in 1934: (1) “Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy. (2) “By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

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EU Rules On Data Collection Don’t Apply To Police State

Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on May 25, 2018 to protect citizens from Big Tech, but Europol can do whatever it wants to vacuum up data from all sources, build AI programs to analyze it and then drive the results into a massive pre-crime system to catch evil-doers before they commit crimes.

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