Energy Dept: If You Don’t Embrace Climate Change, You Are Spreading ‘Misinformation’

Technocrats pushing for control over energy use blatantly false propaganda to confuse and disrupt. Now, if you say anything critical about global warming theories, windmills or solar generators, you are spreading misinformation. The charge is spurious and obscures their goal of control by controlling energy.

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Infrastructure Bill Provides Billions To Roll Out Smart City Tech

City-based Technocrats are thrilled that Biden's recently passed infrastructure bill will lather cities with billions of dollars for smart city projects designed to light up the Internet of Things, provide ubiquitous surveillance and wrap in outlying areas that are currently out of reach of the surveillance state. Did you think that infrastructure spending was about fixing potholes and bridges?

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Electronic Cash Designed By The Boston Fed, MIT

The Fed in general is studying the plausibility of releasing a U.S. digital currency. It has said that a digital currency would not be intended to replace cash, in spite of a mountain of global evidence that cash is in the crosshairs for extinction. The United Nations has declared Fintech to be to financial system to support Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Robot Bartender: 120 Cocktails Per Hour And Tells Bad Jokes

With limitations to the menu of available drinks, Cecilia can dish them out faster than 4 human bartenders working non-stop. However, she won't lend a sympathetic ear or give advice to weary travelers. Alas, Technocrats solve problems that don't really need to be solved and mostly just because they can.

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Poof, It’s Gone: Hacking And Draining Cryptocurrency Accounts

Cryptocurrencies are marketed as being safe, secure and private. Victims of crypto-crooks find differently. If you base your fortune on holding cryptocurrencies, remember that criminals are smarter and trickier than your ability to defend your assets. In time, people will call for central banks to provide security.

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Transhuman: Is Humanity 2.0 The New ‘Master Race’?

Over the next two years, I predict that the intersection of historical and modern research on Transhumanism will reveal a plethora of comparisons between modern Transhumanism and Hitler's Aryan "master race". What Hitler could not achieve with selective breeding, sterilizing and extermination, can now be easily achieved through gene editing.

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Coming Soon: Centralized Control Over DNS Abuse Reporting

Most ISPs have their own way of dealing with domains that deal with malware, botnets, phishing, pharming and spam. A global registrar could easily be expanded to include misinformation and disinformation regulated by opinionated fact-checkers. Like Orwell's 1984, your domain could be erased from existence.

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