Top 20 Companies That Rule The Web

Since 2008, Google has essentially dominated the Internet, which is not surprising. According to Prof. Shoshana Suboff, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, it was Google that invented Surveillance Capitalism in the first place. Those chasing Google to the top include Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook.

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Technocrat-In-Charge: Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Narrative’ For The Global Borg

You will own nothing but  you won't be happy. You will also be assimilated into Schwab's version of the Borg, where implanted technology will make you a docile servant of the master race. Schwab is the undisputed champion and pied piper of Technocracy, leading the world into total Scientific Dictatorship and neo-Feudalism.

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IKE’s Smart City Surveillance Kiosks Installed In Houston

Marketed on the basis of being free and convenient, the IKE kiosks collect data on every person who comes near them, including id'ing your bluetooth and wifi devices. Cameras record your face, examine your choices and selections. Their payback is "surveillance capitalism" where you are subsumed into the Technocrat control grid.

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Senators Finally Discover That CIA Is Using A Secret Program To Collect Data On American Citizens

In 2015, a CIA whistleblower who actually created the software to spy on foreign terror threats, revealed that the CIA had turned the surveillance weapon against American citizens. The CIA and the NSA are generally barred from investigating Americans or U.S. businesses, but alas, they operate outside the law with impunity.

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Technocrat Propaganda: UN Chief Calls For Action On ‘5-Alarm Global Fire’

The UN is the seat of modern Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development and Green Economy. Remembering that Technocracy defined itself as "the science of social engineering" as far back as 1938, propaganda is the main tool used today to drive populations into submission. Secretary-General António Guterres is pounding the podium to stimulate urgent action.

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Canadian Truckers Spark Global Movement To Fight Technocrat Tyranny

Ordinary citizens living under COVID tyranny are fed up with oppression, mandates, dictates and the phony globalist/Technocrat narrative that the elite know best for your health and safety. As internal pressures increased, all it took was a spark of courage to ignite the whole world into a massive protest.

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Illinois Court Halts Mask and Vaccine/Testing Rules for Schools Across the State!

Government propaganda organs will not acknowledge that their narrative is falling apart, which is why you will not see events like this one in the mainstream media. The Virginia State Senate just passed a bi-partisan bill (29-9) to prevent schools from implementing mask mandates. Finally, some judicial and legislative bodies are standing up for their constituents and against tyranny. Meanwhile, the tyrant-minded continue to howl.

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The Technocrat Mind: iFarm Fish On Way To Market

To understand the mind of a Technocrat, substitute the word "human" for "fish" in this press release, e.g., "which has resulted in important experiences regarding the camera arrangement, lighting, and data processing to enable a health record for each fish human, e.g., 'Checking the fish humans in real time with cameras from multiple angles opens up to tell more about each fish human, but at the same time it requires a lot from the software and hardware solutions we develop.'"

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Charge: U.S. Capitol Police Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

To the Technocrat mind, surveillance is seen as some sort of divine right that gives them a moral free pass to look at anything they choose to look at. In this case, the Capitol Police appear to have been flipped into a type of  Praetorian Guard for the radical left to spy on certain Congressmen and their staff. In a sane world, congressional and staff perpetrators would be summarily ejected from the capitol.

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Boom: Biden Admin Officially Targets Free Speech As Domestic Terrorism

This outrageous "National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin" issued by the Department of Homeland Security pits government narrative against all others. In other words, if you write or speak against the government's narrative, you are "undermin(ing) public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest." This, in turn, could "inspire acts of violence". 

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