Meanwhile, Italy Doubles Down On COVID Despotism Against Unvaxxed

Given its dystopian and tyrannical domination of its unvaxxed citizens, it is ironic that Italy was once the cradle of Western civilization that produced concepts of liberty, freedom, the rule of law, etc. Today, it has slipped back into the gutter of despotic governance with no end in sight.

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Crumbling Narrative: Now Sweden Ends Virus Restrictions

Britain, Denmark, Norway and now Sweden are exiting the pandemic panic and returning to normal. This sends a message to the rest of the world that nations and people can survive without dystopian policies to micromanage citizen behavior. Citizens of remaining nations will quickly see that they are being conned by tyrannical leaders.

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Chinese Scholar Declares The Benefits Of Technocracy In China

The Beijing-based author is an apologist for Technocracy in China and explores all the right historical contexts to conclude: "Technocracy is a better and fairer use of power than any other hierarchical system... a better way to confront social problems than authoritarian politics divorced from technical expertise." As such, President Xi is supremely qualified to lead the way.

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China Showcases Massive Surveillance Capabilities At Beijing Olympics

China is a full-blown Technocracy where the "science of social engineering" has been honed to a razor's edge. The Beijing Olympics is displaying the depth and extent of its capabilities for the world to see. Dissenters and critics are patently not allowed and those who remain will be like ants under a microscope.

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Toddler Refused Heart Surgery Because Parents Not Jabbed

Insanity within the medical community has reach a new level when a three-year old toddler is virtually sentenced to death because his parents have not been injected with the mRNA jab. The Technocrat mind has no capacity for basic human compassion or regard for life.

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Beijing Olympics: China Has Access To DNA Of Top U.S. Athletes

Technocrats in China have long been collecting Western DNA from the United States, Canada and Europe. Now, they have direct access to the DNA of top athletes. Futuristic military applications include development of advanced bioweapons that specifically target non-Asian races.

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Mercola: COVID Jabs Are Creating ‘Vaccine Addicts’ As Immune Systems Fail

Whether intentional or not, data is suggesting that mRNA vaccines and boosters are inducing "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" that may leave a large segment of society dependent on additional shots to provide protection against further diseases. Medical Technocrats who have brought this scourge upon humanity must be held accountable.

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US Military Data Reveals Skyrocketing Rate Of mRNA Injection Injuries

The U.S. military has been severely compromised by forcing mRNA injections on soldiers, in spite of volumes of safety data that warned leaders not to mandate the shots in the first place. The injections have done nothing to prevent viral infections. This could be the second biggest health scandal in our history, eclipsed only by the intentional suppression of life-saving drugs.

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Naomi Wolf: On The Subtlety Of Monsters

Wolf correctly notes, "people are asked to join a cult and offer up their bodies; if they don’t, they are ostracized and denied social life and professional advancement." Similarities must be drawn to the period of Nazi Germany during 1931-33 that set the stage for unspeakable evil.

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