Killing By Drone: Hunting Enemies In Urban Combat

To a Technocrat, efficiency is like catnip is to a cat - it cannot be resisted even to the point of creating automated killing machines. Why get your hands dirty, anyway? And if you make a mistake and kill the wrong person. well, just write that off to occasional collateral damage or friendly fire. This arms race cannot be stopped at this point.

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6G, Internet Of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

If you think 5G is bad, you won't want to know about 6G, which will introduce the Internet of Bodies (IoB), potentially tying all humans into a global "hive mind". Unproductive members who do nothing but consume "precious" resources, will be targeted for removal; the ultimate technocrat reasoning is that humans and all other resources are on the same level. Thus, cutting back on humans is no different than cutting down trees in the forest.

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Technocracy And Totalitarianism: The Rise Of The Biomedical Security State

This is an excerpt from Aaron Kheriaty's new book, The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State. It is highly recommended: "In our own day, the pseudo-scientific ideology that drives societies in a totalitarian direction is scientism, which must be clearly distinguished from science."

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Lockdown Policies Are Alive And Well In The Globalist Assault Playbook

The Technocrat cabal are maneuvering to institutionalize lockdown as an effective tool of social engineering, bringing tyranny and totalitarianism to a new level. Those who fought (and won) against pandemic lockdowns have no cause to gloat or rest. Would-be global conquerers will send in waves of tyranny until there is no avenue of escape or winning left. Will you rise to the fore?

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White House To Expand Already Massive Spy Operations On U.S. Citizens

"We know what you say, what you think, where you go and where you are." If you wonder why the federal system is so corruptly weaponized against citizens, consider that AI and massive data mining of billions of data points are producing stupidity, inaccurate conclusions and the targeting of innocent citizens. Technocrat controllers cannot understand the meaning and context of anything produced by AI.

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Boom: Trilateral Commissioner Jeffrey Epstein’s Global Empire Of Corruption Revealed

Investigative writer Whitney Webb drills down into the dark global network of Jeffrey Epstein to expose how global elitists attempt to run the world. As a member of the Trilateral Commission, Epstein undoubtedly served his own interests but he became the go-to dungeon master of sexual blackmail that kept global leaders and operators in line. No, the infamous "black book" will likely never be released.

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Insane G20 Calls For Vaccine Passports On All Future International Travel

Technocrats at the G20 conference plotted out the next pandemic, as if it were a certainty, and concluded the best thing is to require vaccine passports for all international travel NOW in order to head off future global consequences. Yes, President Biden attended G20 on behalf of the United States. There is no global legal authority that can shoot this down.

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German Government Worried About Bank Runs, “Aggressive Discontent” Ahead of Energy Shortage

Germans depend on cash and cash banking machines to get it into their pockets. During a energy blackout, the bank machines don't work. Now, put two and two together here and figure out just how dangerous and outright destructive climate alarmist energy policies are. Germany could literally be reduced to a "Mad Max" movie scenario within a few days.

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German Meat Industry Warns Of Empty Supermarket Shelves, 40% Jump In Meat Prices

Radical global warming extremists have declared all-out war on meat because bovines produce too much flatulence, which they say is a leading cause of warming. They are pathetically ignorant of the facts, but are nevertheless driving the meat industry out of business. Their preferred diet? insects and an occasional vegetable treat.

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Techno-Authoritarianism: China And Deep State Have Joined Forces

Technocracy by any other name is still Technocracy. China is the world's first purely "engineered" society. It is neither Capitalism or Communism, but rather Technocracy. It leads straight to scientific dictatorship while the algorithm micromanages every aspect of life. The only way out of Technocracy is to not go there in the first place.

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