CJ Hopkins: The Final Days Of The Covidian Cult

If Klaus Schwab saw the pandemic as a "narrow window of opportunity" to achieve Technocracy's Great Reset, then the resistance has a narrow window of opportunity to thoroughly reject the whole lot of them along with their vain imaginations of conquering the world. The road to victory will not be pleasant, but it is still possible nonetheless.

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The Virtual Gulag: Ultimate Technocrat Answer To Punish All Dissent

When you are exiled from society into a virtual gulag of isolation, you will lose all rights to Free Speech and ability to be heard. Figuratively speaking, you will become the exhaust fumes from the engine of Technocracy, vulnerable to any further societal reassignment or even physical elimination. Welcome to Scientific Dictatorship.

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Eye Spy: IRS To Require Facial Recognition To View Tax Returns

Technocrats in the IRS and private industry are combining forces to further the acceptance of a universal id system where people cannot escape being ID'd by facial recognition surveillance systems. Of course, not everyone wants to view their tax returns online, but the new system will make it measurably harder to do so.

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‘Vehicle Kill Switches’ Now Mandated In New Cars By 2026

To the delight of UN Sustainable Development ideologues and control-freak Technocrats, private car ownership in America has suffered a fatal blow. Vehicle "kill switches" are now mandated by 2026 in Biden's infrastructure bill that was just signed into law. Those who warned in December that this was in the bill were called 'conspiracy theorists'.

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The Pandemic Narrative Is Undergoing A Radical U-Turn

There is now little doubt that the official pandemic narrative is headed for a 180 degree u-turn, but mostly for political reasons. The Democrat party is in shambles and virtually guaranteed to lose majorities in the House and Senate if it does nothing to restore confidence. Backing off of the painful tyranny of mandates and unscientific "science" is the way out. 

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Music Of The Resistance In The Age Of Covid Mania

Art follows culture as more musical artists release protest songs to lament the state of the people in the hands of tyranny. Scott Helmer's new release, Shouting it Out, is the latest contribution. He writes, “The world is waking up to the truth about what is happening with these masks and so called, ‘vaccines,’ and for all those that are awake, this is ‘your’ song”.

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Paypal Terminates Service For Nonprofits Fighting Vaccine Mandates

Technocracy's coup d'état expands as Big Tech financial companies like Paypal drop organizations who oppose the Technocrat narrative. Banks have also joined the purge as well: all of Mike Lindell's business banking accounts were summarily terminated last week by the Heartland Financial Minnesota Bank & Trust

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Elon Musk Unplugged: Earth Doomed, Humans Must Flee To Colonize Outer Space

As the world's richest person and consummate Technocrat, Elon Musk provides a glimpse into his bizarre thinking: he believes that the entire planet will go extinct because the sun is expanding. The only path to species survival is to "flee to the stars" and colonize outer space. Those who embrace Musk's success and "genius" should be very careful about what they are dealing with.

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Doctor Loses License For Prescribing HCQ, Ivermectin; Ordered To Psych Evaluation

Dr. Meryl Nass has been an outspoken critic of health directives that ban HCQ and Ivermectin for early treatment of COVID infections. The State of Maine Board of Licensure took action to crush her medical practice by pulling her medical license, and to add insult to injury, ordered her to undergo a psych evaluation. This appears to be following Orwell's 1984 storyline where Winston is cast as Dr. Nass.

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Exposing Propaganda: The Vaccine For Liberty, Truth And Reason

Citizens for Free Speech did a deep dive into propaganda on Thursday, January 13th: What is it, how you can recognize it and what you can do about it. Guest presenters included Patrick Wood, Joshua Philipp of The Epoch Times and Alex Newman of The Sentinel Report. This presentation should be required viewing for all Americans.

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